21 Water Kefir Recipes and How to Make Carbonated Water Kefir - Simple Life Mom (2024)

21 Water Kefir Recipes and How to Make Carbonated Water Kefir - Simple Life Mom (1)

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I recently wrote about the health benefits of water kefir and how the mineral and probiotic content can change change the direction of your gut health, skin health, and even effect allergies. Now, I want to show you how to design your own water kefir recipes.

But first, you need to know how to get going!

21 Water Kefir Recipes and How to Make Carbonated Water Kefir - Simple Life Mom (2)

How to Make Water Kefir

Making water kefir is super easy! There’s no reason to buy it every time when you can make your own.

Ingredients and Tools Needed

You’ll need just a few ingredients to get started:

That’s it! You can’t grow kefir grains. They require a very specific environment to get started, so instead you’ll need to either find someone who has some extra grains for you to have (they grow and expand, making a friend with kefir grains and special friend indeed), or purchase some here.

Another thing to keep in mind is the tools you’ll need. You’ll want glass jars (Mason jars with metal lids are fine, but no metal in contact with the kefir water. It can interfere with the fermenting process), and a plastic mesh strainerfor pouring the liquid out and saving those precious grains for another batch. Don’t forget a cloth to cover the jar so that it has access to air, but no bugs or other things can get in. You can use a cheese cloth, but I just use a clean cloth napkin.


So, how do you put it all together?

If you purchased dehydrated grains, then the first thing you’ll need to do is re-hydrate them. Basically you’ll want a 1:12 water to sugar ratio. Place 3-1/2 to 4 cups warm water in a 32oz jar and then add and dissolve 1/3 organic cane sugar. Add the grains and cover with a cloth. Let sit at room temperature for 3-4 days. Next, discard the start up liquid while saving the grains. They should be plump and ready to go!

Make another batch of water kefir by adding 3-1/2 to 4 cups warm water (not hot) to your jar and 1/3 cup sugar. Let sit at room temperature covered with a cloth for 24-48 hours. Strain and drink! It really is that simple!


If you’d like to build up some carbonation after the 24-48 hours, make sure there’s around an inch head space, seal, and leave on the counter at room temperature for another 24-48 hours. You can then refrigerate until ready to use and if sealed properly you should get a nice fizz after opening.

I’m sure you’d like to add some flavors too, so we’ll get to those DIY water kefir recipes, but first is upkeep.


Once you have water kefir grains, you can literally have 28-32 more ounces every 1-2 days. What if you don’t want to drink it that often?

When you’re overflowing and can’t drink your kefir water fast enough, just make a fresh batch of sugar water, add grains, seal, and place in your fridge for up to 3 weeks. Mark your calendar to change out the water at this time because you don’t want to forget. When you’re ready to make more, just add the grains to fresh sugar water and start the process at room temperature again.

21 Water Kefir Recipes and How to Make Carbonated Water Kefir - Simple Life Mom (3)

DIY Water Kefir Recipes

So, how about those great DIY water kefir recipes? If you’ve ever tried water kefir and didn’t care for the test, don’t be discouraged. There are hundreds of flavor combinations to try.

2nd Fermentation

You want to keep your kefir water virtually sugar free. That means when adding sugars like those in juices you’ll need to let it sit at room temperature for another 24-48 hours. If you’d like carbonation, seal before second fermentation and then after the 24-48 hours you can drink or refrigerate sealed for later.


Add around 1/2 cup juice to 4 cups of kefir water. Try juices like:

  • grape juice
  • apple juice
  • pineapple juice
  • cherry juice


Add 1/2 cup – 1 cup sliced fruit after first fermentation, then ferment again. Try combinations like:

  • elderberries (clove and cinnamon stick, optional)
  • lemon and lime
  • strawberries and kiwi
  • blueberries and orange
  • Grapefruit
  • Strawberries and lemon juice

Coconut Water Kefir

If you’d like to make a few water kefir recipes with coconut, great! Make the batch as usual using coconut water instead of filtered water. Just make sure to ferment with regular filtered water and sugar after each coconut water fermentation to make sure the grains stay healthy.

Vanilla Water Kefir

For a yummy vanilla flavor, add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract to a quart of water kefir. Juice combinations taste great with vanilla as well. Try:

  • Vanilla orange
  • Cream soda – Add vanilla extract and let ferment again for carbonation. Add a little cream to glass and pour in vanilla water kefir.

Ginger Water Kefir

Ginger is so great for the soothing the stomach, but it’s also an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. This makes it a tasty and healthy addition to water kefir. Try combinations like:

  • ginger and sliced lemon
  • ginger and raspberries
  • ginger and cinnamon
  • ginger, turmeric, pepper

Herbal Water Kefir

Herbs add a lot of medicinal value. Add a handful of flowers or leaves to sugar water and ferment. Strain and let it ferment again for carbonation or drink right away. Herbs to try:

There are so many other herbs you can try of course, from dandelions and clover, to chamomile or hibiscus. Be creative and have fun experimenting.

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21 Water Kefir Recipes and How to Make Carbonated Water Kefir - Simple Life Mom (2024)


How to make water kefir carbonated? ›

Since fermentation is most active at warmer temperatures, the way to build up carbon dioxide (ie: carbonation) is to allow the water kefir to keep fermenting in a sealed bottle at room temperature. Transfer your flavored water kefir into bottles using a funnel.

What is the disadvantage of water kefir? ›

Potential drawbacks of water kefir

Some water kefir you find in store may have high levels of added sugar. Since water kefir is usually made with dairy, it also may not work for people who are lactose intolerant or follow a dairy-free diet.

What can go wrong with water kefir? ›

It usually happens as a result of one or a combination of the following: higher temperatures or tropical climates, too many grains in too little water (which will increase the activity of the yeast), lack of regular water changes and/or letting the kefir constantly over-ferment before changing it to new water.

What is the best sugar mix for water kefir? ›

Making Water Kefir

I like to use a mix of three parts organic cane sugar and one part coconut sugar with a lemon wedge and prune thrown in (the last two are optional, but like coconut sugar, they increase the mineral content and promote faster growth of the water kefir grains).

How do I make my kefir fizzy? ›

Airlock or closed lid first ferment

Traditionally, water kefir was fermented with an open lid, but they can do just as well with a closed lid or airlock system. If you want carbonation / fizz and want to drink it fresh without a 2nd ferment, then this is the best option.

Is homemade kefir carbonated? ›

Your Kefir Soda should be fizzy and tangy and may have some background aroma, but it shouldn't be unpleasant. You can also make a new batch with a starter from a sachet, but this time use different juice/coconut water from another brand, with no additives or the least additives possible.

Who should not drink kefir? ›

It appears to be generally safe to consume, as long as people make and store it safely. While people who are lactose intolerant may be able to drink some kefir without symptoms, they should be careful to avoid drinking too much. People with milk allergies should avoid kefir unless it contains non-dairy milk.

What happens if you drink too much water kefir? ›

Kefir water's side effects can include digestive symptoms like bloating, constipation, gas, or nausea. These symptoms may occur due to the probiotics in kefir, but they're usually mild. Some studies link probiotics to infection risks in people with weakened immune systems.

What happens if you drink kefir every day for a week? ›

When taken by mouth: Kefir is possibly safe when used for up to 12 weeks. It's usually well-tolerated. Side effects might include bloating, nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and constipation. These symptoms usually go away after continued use.

How do I get more fizz in my water kefir? ›

There are some basic principles we need to follow so we can prepare water kefir full of bubbles. Add pieces of fruit like lemon or lime to your first fermentation to increase bubbles. Ginger is also very effective.

How do I know if I killed my water kefir? ›

To know if your water kefir grains are dead, use them to ferment a new batch and repeat this cycle at least 4 times. If the grains are dead, the water will remain sweet, and there wouldn't be a sign of fermentation. Another way to know is the appearance of mold on the surface.

Why isn't my water kefir getting fizzy? ›

Not getting any fizz? Try adding a few tablespoons of juice. Sweeter juices will give the water kefir more “fuel” and you may have a faster second ferment. I see a remarkable difference between apple juice and grape juice.

Is honey good for water kefir? ›

Don't: Use sweeteners like honey, palm sugar, stevia, agave, artificial sweeteners, maple syrup, sorghum syrup, coconut sugar, beet sugar, corn-based sweeteners, powdered sugars, or invert sugar. These are nutritiously deficient.

Is brown sugar OK for water kefir? ›

Bad: Brown, Molasses, And Other Sugar Substitutes

Brown sugar isn't good because it's refined white sugar with a usually unknown amount of added molasses. It's better to make your own by combining white sugar and molasses. You can use small amounts of molasses to supplement mineral content if needed.

What bottled water is best for water kefir? ›

Bottled Water

Plain spring water is excellent, except “sparkling” or those with higher or added mineral content. Water labeled “drinking” is usually okay, but always read the ingredient label for additives.

Why isn't my water kefir carbonated? ›

Try these second fermentation steps to get your water kefir more carbonated: Increase the sugar content in your second fermentation, adding high sugar fruits/juices like apple or orange! Allow the second fermentation to go longer. Do note, you will want to 'burp' the bottle every 12 hours to keep it from exploding.

Can I add baking soda to water kefir? ›

Add ONE of the following to strengthen the mixture: a pinch of baking soda, a pinch of sea salt, ½ tsp unsulphured blackstrap molasses for each quart of water, 1 eggshell (if no allergies), or mineral drops if using a low mineral water and sugar.

Is water kefir always fizzy? ›

Kefir goes through two fermentation periods and both are essential to a successful carbonated beverage. During the first period, water kefir grains need enough minerals, sugar, and clean water to be healthy. Once the grains are removed, there is not likely to be a lot of fizz without some extra help.


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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.