BU-902a: How to Measure CCA (2024)

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On December 23, 2018, Bobby wrote:

How does one measure how much CCA can a battery deliver at a temperature of + 25 centigrade if the declared CCA is 85 at -18 centigrade

On October 25, 2018, Suresh Patil wrote:

With MIDTRONICS instrument, CCA value was measured as per SAE and value is given as 590A. Battery was fully charged and was at ambient 30°C. I cooled the battery to 0°C. in cold chamber and measured again CCA value with the same instrument. It gave much lower value. At minus 18°C, this value may become still less. How to declare CCA rating without actual test at minus 18°C?

On September 13, 2018, Sudipto Ranjan Dass wrote:

Hi Sultan, Ah is the capacity rating of the battery. Means the ah delivered by the battery if its discharged at 1/20th amps of the capcity rating in Ah . the product of time in hrs and the current gives the AH delivered . Whereas CCA is the discharge current that can support the battery voltage upto 7.2V till 30 sec at -18 deg C. CCA can not be converted to ah by any formula. because same ah batteries can have different CCA ratings depending on the design combination of the plates that actually provide the surface area for reaction.

On July 14, 2018, Sultan Ali Azad wrote:

Sir, 1- What is the Difference between Ah and CCA in a Battery? 2- How to Convert CCA to Ah? I mean how can convert CCA to Ah? I would appreciate your timely reply.

On July 4, 2018, Laverna Botsford wrote:

Unit Converter is the procedure of transforming both the conventional components in 1 sort into the following based to this demand. The demand for its simple transformation has ever existed from the various areas for distinct functions. Many internet instruments and converters can be found and these are able to be depended on for practically any conversions now. Using all these tools that the intricate emotional calculation might be averted and accurate and quick results might be found.

On February 20, 2018, Cássio wrote:

Is there any issue in upgrading a car's battery? My car came from factory with a 48 Ah with CCA rating of 370 A. When I had to replace it, I installed a 52 Ah battery, with 450 A of CCA, as the battery manufacturer only listed 50 Ah and 52 Ah batteries as being recommended for my car model. The alternator from my car can output up to 70 A of current. I suppose you can upgrade the battery, as long as the rated CCA is equal or higher than the factory one, ensuring the starter motor will get sufficient electric current to operate, right? So far, the car is running fine, without any electrical issues. I guess the only difference in installing a higher capacity battery, is that it will take longer to be recharged by the alternator, right?

On August 31, 2017, Sue nishida wrote:

My dealer gave me a report saying my battery failed cold cramping amps test rated 582 and tested 399. Do I need to replace my battery?

On December 28, 2016, Kenneth Lindahl wrote:

I have spent years trying to create an affordable devise that can predict impending battery failure. I believe that I have the answer. Background. My father was hired by a company to work at a top secret American base, there was/is no security clearance required because you we're never there. The best and brightest minds in the country build the thing, but these folks we're unable to fix the problems that arose during operation. The government brought in people, usually from the military, that had fixed machines, or performed a stupid act that would turn out to be a tremendous asset to the government. Dad was a TWA pilot during the late fifties early sixties but left the job he loved because he felt that flying was selfish, 955 people died in 1960, over 350 in the first two weeks of October, 1960. "I can't bear the thought of your mother raising you 4 boys alone" he once told me. Dad had many gifts and one of them was he had some link to airplanes. He would observe the mechanics working on a plane and sometimes a guy bothered him in some way. He would take note of the airplane and where the guy was working. At a later date the plane had an issue that nobody could solve and Dad went right to the left wing bay for example. He found the problem right away which brought him high status, "they thought I was a genius" Dad once laughed. He never told anyone but me his secret because guys could get fired if he told the superiors. It was not the mechanics fault, Dad told me once under his breath his secret. "What"! I said. "I thought I heard you say that the plane didn't like the mechanic" I said to Dad. He looked at me and didn't repeat it and from his expression he instantly regretted telling me. "Thanks Dad, I believe you. He looked at me and said okay, good, and that was it, the subject was never brought up again. If he told anyone else they would have him admitted to the nut house. Dad worked with fighter pilots and had little regard for them because would embellish their exploits. " They never let the truth get in the way of a good story" Dad said many times during my youth. He was a factual, nuts and bolts trained engineer as well as a pilot and no patience for BS, as he called it. Back to the battery devise. Education is great but books stifle the creative process because your head is inside somebody else's, not your own. Give me the data that I require on a hundred car batteries and I will tell you which ones are ready to expire. The ones that are ready to expire can be restored as long as they meet certain criteria, of course warped buckled plates are tough to restore but believe it or not, I have brought one back to life. It had a 1/2 volt and would not accept a charge. So I hooked up number 1 cable to the dead battery from 2 freshly charged ones. All three we're buried for safety and I rolled a pipe across the dead battery terminals hoping I didn't get a cell reversal on the good batteries. Each time I hammered the dead battery I disconnected it from the power source and checked for voltage. Finally a 3 second hit did it, the offending plate must have straightened out and it charged normally. Do not try it, the combined energy in 2 car batteries if released suddenly is in the order of 15 to 30K amps.

On September 20, 2016, andre wrote:

Hi, have a yuasa here which only reads 300 on the 660 cca rating. Apparently this is a bad sign but is it still likely to be fine for solar use? The pump draws less than 3a anywhay but thought i would ask a second opinion. Thanks!

On June 14, 2016, Aldo wrote:

Ok, I have found an Old Sonnenschein SLI Battery paper document with the conversion formulas: SAE = ( DIN /2 *3 ) +40 (A) IEC = DIN / 0,85 EN1 = IEC / 0,6; or EN1 = DIN / 0,51 EN2 = DIN / 0,6

On June 13, 2016, Aldo wrote:

@Brian: in a Lead Acid Battery there is the maximum CCA when the battery is new with an Acid dencity of 1260 gr/Lt at 20°C... First thing you must to be sure that your battery is fully charge. Sometimes LAB loose some charge during usage because of the low costant voltage charge (13,8-14,2 ) of the alternator... after 2 years can be around 1235-1245 gr/Lt If so, after a fully recharge to 16V (constant current I20) for 2-3 hours and 4-5 hours of rest you must to repeat CCA electronic test and compare the result with the CCA value written on the declaration label...

On June 13, 2016, Aldo wrote:

@ LIAM there are some formulas to convert different CCA Currents ( maybe you can find in internet but I do not found it )... but in general CCA current is: DIN<IEC>EN(2)>SAE<EN(1) I remember that for example DIN = 85% IEC DIN = 60% EN(1)

On June 13, 2016, Aldo wrote:

p.s. what I have previous written is valid for Lead acid Batteries!!!!

On June 13, 2016, Aldo wrote:

@Neadus Callus, not all 12V-7 Ah Batteries have the same CCA it depend on each internal resistance due to the construction technology of battery ( AGM - GEL - Flooded )... in general CCA flooded > AGM > GEL but only with the same number of plates and surface area... A 7 Ah 12V Battery can be 100 to 200 CCA (EN-2) But normally, like the Midtronics testers, they calculate the different CCA with the measyre of the total Internal resistenze with an internalk memorized curve ( always at -18°C)....

On April 12, 2016, Neadus Callus wrote:

HI. I have a battery tester that will test a battery for damaged cells. however, it requires a ccs value.. I only have the Ah values.. how can I use this instrument to measure and test a battery rated at 12vdc 7ah for example. thank you

On April 7, 2016, Mike Massen wrote:

@Brian CCA is directly related to the instantaneous power required to make the starter motor spin with the load its connected to. Eg A starter motor in one car draws 85 Amps (4cyl) to turn the engine over with a good speed, a different car its drawing 125 Amps (V8), both cars can be started by a battery that offers 376CCA or even lower provided it is reliable and you have good wiring so energy is not lost via resistance in the cables, bolts, connectors etc. Its not about how long it lasts, that issue is addressed by whether its in good condition and especially if your charging circuit is working properly. Eg If all is ok and you drive your car long enough after starting to recharge it to limit then it can last for months or years, no problem. Understandably mechanics/sales eager for income might say you need higher CCA to last longer, not quite unless the battery is really cheap and its CCA drops over time as it ages, so its CCA later is below that needed for the starter motor *at that time*. ie Its a risk assessment issue and in my opinion I'm not compelled to buy a new battery which has a CCA any more than 4 times the starter motor instantaneous draw. You can find that out with a combination multi-meter which has a DC clamp current measuring option, in my book a necessary (and cheap) piece of gear helpful for all sorts of reasons, cheers

On April 7, 2016, Liam wrote:

I have looked every where for an answer to a question asked by a friend. What is the difference in measurement between CCA and SAE in batteries when testing them with a battery tester that only tests in SAE.

On January 27, 2016, Brian wrote:

All I want to know is, "What's the lowest CCA value my battery can be before I need to replace it?" My mechanic said my battery rated at 376CCA. I don't know if that's enough to last a day, a week, another year? I don't know what kind of test they put it through. Certainly not a laboratory type of test.

On December 20, 2015, Mike_Massen wrote:

Thanks FatBaz43 - interesting info, a modular form with replaced segments could well be more than suitable for large stationary backup arrays, in a safe room of course... One of my Hawkers used in my car looked like it had a cell short, so took it out removed the caps, added water, cycled it a dozen times or so and its fine again, these batteries just keep going - adding water to a SLA battery isnt recommended though as it involves acid & can take some time to not just charge cycle but handle the water & move it around for distribution. My perception is the gel gets hydrated again, maybe...

On December 20, 2015, FatBaz43 wrote:

The most important information is the number of plates in the battery (something which battery manufacturers no longer state) which has a direct bearing on the internal resistance of the battery. As an example the battery for a UK Mini was a 40 ampere-hour 7 plate battery which was adequate for starting a 850cc engine. A battery of exactly the same physical size for the UK E-Type Jaguar was 72 ampere-hour 13 plate battery suitable for starting 3ltr+ engine. I had this battery for over 10 years in 3 cars 1500cc to 1900cc. Because the cranking power was more than adequate the Battery was never "stressed" and just a "flick" of the ignition key was sufficient to start. At the time the E-Type battery was only 20% more expensive - a bit of a no brainer. I still used the Electrolyte SG method for the health of the battery due to my time as a Radio Officer in The Merchant Navy monitoring the health of the emergency Batteries on which our lives may depend.

On October 15, 2015, Dave wrote:

I just bought a brand new Interstate battery at Costco to replace the Costco battery that failed within the warranty period. It is a Group 78 battery with 800 CCA.. Just to be safe, I had it tested and the result was a fully charged battery at 12.69 volts. However, the CCA was only at 698, not 800. That means that the new battery is at 87% state of health. BTW, the outside temperature was in the mid 70s. Shouldn't this new battery test at 800?

On August 17, 2015, Mike_Massen wrote:

Have a pair of 24AHr SLA Lear jet APU starter batteries (in parallel) for a Holden Apollo 2.2L 4cyl (Rebadged Toyota Camry Wagon), these are the high quality so called 'pure lead' Hawker (narrow red) batteries same as certified for avionics, they were initially used in a high end UPS at the local Curtin University library server room & reached their end of life in ~2006. They've been used in my car since & still start fine, though they're a bit down on CCA from new ~600A ea, last time I checked their parallel CCA was ~950 In summer, when daytime temps exceed 35 C & up to 44 C, they sit in water in the engine bay in a plastic battery box - sometimes in town I'll to drop into a local coffee shop & get a couple of take-away cups of ice & flood that into the battery box. Minor corrosion on the stainless steel terminals isnt a problem as its easy to brush off. In winter when it gets down to approx 20C the box is dry & they're fine. Batteries both date coded 1996 Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-08-ohm-drop-in-car-battery.html#jCp

On July 18, 2015, wole adu wrote:

CCA (Cold Cranking Ampere), is the rating used to define a battery’s ability to start an engine in cold temperatures.

On July 18, 2015, wole adu wrote:

325 you were told is the CCA (Cold Cranking Ampere), which means a battery's ability to start an engine in cold temperatures.

On July 13, 2015, Jessica wrote:

Hi, I just had my car battery tested and they said my battery was low and needed to be replaced. I'm confused though because they guy said it read 325 out of 500, and I am not sure what these numbers are referring to? Everything I have found regarding car batteries are discussing voltage (should be at 12.6 for a good battery?) So confused. Thanks for your help.

On May 28, 2015, Wole Adu wrote:

@Lisa 279CCA will not start up your car, what you can do is ti regenerate your battery outside that buy a new one.

On April 9, 2015, Lisa wrote:

i was told I needed a new battery. They said the cold cranking amps rated 600 measures 279 c.c at my last check up at the car dealer. Is this true? Do I really need a new battery?

On March 7, 2015, Wole Adu wrote:

@Barry, the 600A refers to the CCA (Cold Cranking Ampere) and not the Ah.

On December 19, 2014, David wrote:

I think you mean full-fledged, not full-fletched. While this article appears to be informative, such incorrect language use degrades professionalism, and this site is named battery university.

On November 15, 2014, barry wrote:

If a battery is 650A, does that mean it is 650 AH? where as 120AH battery is quite big in size ( trucks have it under hood) . I dont' understand how come a small battery ( car battery )have a 600A label on it while it looks like 40AH car battery. Kindly provide a bit of example. In india, we have car batteries ranging 30Ah-45Ah . Truck batteries ranging between 100Ah to 140Ah. But as to why in USA and Canada, Cars batteries of same size have label of 600A on it????? And bigger batteries for trucks have 1000A label on em'. Any point clearing my confusion would highly be appreciated.

On July 30, 2014, Rudraiah Naidu wrote:

how we would conclude the battery plate conversion quality during the process of curing followed by drying.,

On June 13, 2014, Bob Nuckolls wrote:

Capacity and CCA are not tightly related. A rather small battery (low capacity) can demonstrate exemplary CCA ratings while some really big honkers will turn in disappointing CCA numbers. I have a 75 pound, group 31 battery on my bench right now with a demonstrable capacity of over 120 ampere-hours . . . but it drops to 9V at 600A load. Conversely, I have some 18 pound batteries in the 18Ah class that will dump 500+ amps at 9V. Clearly, the internal impedance of the batteries with a smaller CAPACITY is superior to the larger battery with 5x the capacity. A detailed study of the condition of your batteries can be conducted by first topping them off with a quality charger-maintainer. Then load-test to 9V with a carbon pile LOAD tester. Top off again and the CAPACITY test with something like the West Mountain Radio CBA capacity meter (runs battery down and counts electrons).. A comparison of the LOAD and CAPACITY numbers for the family of test article will gie you the best measure of their condition and potential performance.

On April 20, 2014, Shannon wrote:

I have a bunch of 12v car batteries that are unlabelled (about 50) so I have no idea of the manufacturer OR the cca. What device can I connect to the batteries to find out what the capacity of them is now without entering the original cca (as I have no idea what it would be)?

On February 27, 2014, Aleksander Vyurkov wrote:

I am looking for modern testers (non-invasive) for testing NiCd flooded starting batteries. Manufacture - SAFT, Battrey type- SPH 250 &300;. Please advise which testers are available for NiCd starting batteries.

On January 7, 2014, Alvan W. Atkinson wrote:

Since batteries tend to fail in cold weather probably because less capacitance available as the available capacitance falls linearly with temp (flooded lead-acid) Why not put a battery in a progressively cold environment--programmable refrigerator and graph resistive discharge(15sec) carbon load or other at decreasing temps. Or test at 0C vs 50C. Would seem this relatively simple stress test, although it would take time to change temp of battery would increase reliabilty of prediction of reserve CCA. ????

On July 18, 2013, New Reason wrote:


On July 18, 2013, reason wrote:

The reason is 12V battery CCA is = CCA of 12V battery, so, when 12V battery=24Vbattery/2, then 12v battery*2=24V battery, so CCA is CCA

On July 17, 2013, jonadab wrote:

what is cca reading for 12v battery?

On June 9, 2013, Chad wrote:

What is the difference in construction between a 650 CCA battery and a 950 CCA battery?

On February 4, 2013, Rajendra wrote:

Am need purchased the 12 Volt x 2 batteries 32 AH & 74 Ah, But i want a imfirmation of cranking in nos.? Rgds,Rajendra

On February 4, 2013, Rajendra wrote:

Am need purchased the 12 Volt x 2 batteries , But i want a imfirmation of cranking in nos.? Rgds,Rajendra

On February 3, 2013, Chris Barry wrote:

Could someone please provide a better definition of CCA? In particular, what will the load be during the course of the test? There would seem to be three options, constant load resistance, constant current and constant potential. Using either of the first two would seem to make it effectively unmeasurable, at least with any degree of precision, as it would be necessary to predict the the performance of the battery before starting the test. A test at constant voltage, on the other hand, should be quite easy to perform. Even with quite simple equipment - a rheostat moved by a motor, controlled by a circuit which monitors the battery voltage. With modern power semiconductors it should be possible to do the same job more quickly and with no moving parts. The significant result would then be the current flowing at the end of the test.

On February 1, 2013, Alex wrote:

A better method of explaining what capacity is, is to have a swimming pool and a kitchen sink filled with 12 inches of water each...lets assume an inch of water equates to 1 volt...after all, voltage is a pressure and with 12 inches of weater in a vessel, a certain fixed pressure is realized at the bottom of it. You now have a 1" diameter hole at the bottom of the swimming pool and the kitchen sink. It is easy to see how the voltage would drop after a minute of flow as the level in each vessel decreases.. The level in the swimming pool will hardly change, whereas the level in the kitch sink will be near empty.

On November 5, 2011, Troy Mikkelson wrote:

Cost of the CA-12 is in the 4 digits before the decimal point region. It isn't intended for hobbyists, but shops that service/sell batteries. The flipside is that Cadex IS the #1 Battery Test/Charge platform for all chemistries for over 20 years, so there is no doubt that the CA-12 is a quality product.

On September 8, 2011, Ray Grant wrote:

what is the cost of spectro CA-12 battery tester? I am possibly interested in the purchase of lead acid battery capacity meter

On August 31, 2011, sumesh arora wrote:

what is the cost of spectro CA-12 battery tester?

BU-902a: How to Measure CCA (2024)


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