The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)

cm.ut RAP IDG OAEETTT, TltVRCAT, mnC. it. Shaughnessy To Succeed Stagg As Chicago U. Football Coach TEN Med Peppers riot Sport Chatter Up Iter! ENTEELALSlBSrS nnsTcF suso 'Dazzy Vance Traded Bv BJokWtt To BELOIT ON EDOD FOR CAGE DUEL WITH COE Kohawk Seek Feurtk Leey Victory Over Tearri Tkat Hat Split Em la Four Canoe a Played 'Sw- A J-- 4 y- if Fcr G'cn nr I i -f 4 igr ret 1 Has Been Coaching At Loyola Of New Orleans 9 Played -Football At; Minnesota Twenty Years Ago; Coached At Tulanc Before Transferring 6 Years 'Ago. CHICAGO (INS) Clark D.

Shaughnessy has been chosen to succeed the veteran Amos Alonzo Stagg as football coach at the University of Chicago, Athletic Director Thomas N. Metcalf announced Thursday. Shaughnessy has been football mentor at Loyola university at New Orleans since 1827. Before that he was coach at Tulane, where his teams won 53 Victories while losing 27 games and tying six. He Is a graduate of the University of Minnesota.

At Loyola Shaughnessv's football TV 1J 13 T1'- 1 ''7- 1 tire te 1 i ntiiis id 11 T- 1-14 (''. li l.iz Tii Ts This 4.n-j:f ui i-c ytlu iii4 id Jllud j'j T(1U1(C i7 tiufirl 111 eu't, t.f $()( iT 3h 1 iu n- Ki Slit' SmaCi a IV Jm: g.liinuTi, 1-1 'lnr-4 9 Jtig fteilrtn'irf Jiji lifer ftatrL J1( 4 41, lit '48-34 It S'lli "I Hj1 vi vii' 11- i. fe 1.1 -r i. on -it t-g lvit-ia iC a iti Cii, RED SOX SEEM SET TO RETAIN CELLAR May Be A Little Stronger Than Last Year; Hitting And Fielding Are Too Spotty To Win. C-ewa 3L Htekt's I Ckf iLfia tb TVSk ta A 'I CTTT, 3.te.Tb ta bng 4wl (4414 iinl tauwlfr 1 ta wunntniid mt stelt.i 3ai rt i'k vs I Cm (MMitatet fewtedwthteL lf Ctetetel kjlh Sbtw Sk vAimO, fe Rhllild tft Wtakt 1 'Itutta-itelt wsii ta X( tg 4u e'liiwe'lwa fe, syn-rrng' a UP ta STKIlMt-iltel JM i4-f, 1 8rS tan (, taMiv I mis iM T-eati a iw- feiiM ta bi.8-!u 9.

I fit i) iit 41 8i IniliOM Vm ta Wit, s-mW 9'7a- 4-( feta inidm ta ptem 7M 9 W( wt 3 vbi. Stamm ii( tel tan Vrfe it--4i anal ta Pr-njatwg hi mtif Httrimiw i ta tc8 Mii 9j i-aiitei a iwi ttit.t- 4 4n in uaKkvi, a mm til. wnnife 4ir Vylo. ta life SWt 4 tej ter If ill 10 It HI Itote-tel SA iitf tJ Kim fltwt in wwti as ftF-aWliC 1 psmipKniijfc Ntu uokiiil iS 4iigi fignigw(K ft'fedfe dK iA4a- arvl fte i tf ft ft yit)i mi tn ate'iiR 9feM ftliwft wa.t-i'hte-fet- fe ft- vl 4ft ftdft -feft ifafttl WsF ft Dt'fti feta Wh ww fe n)is Kv4 ft--e--wtw ft fe--taW 4 8W terM- 4 -Ofewpi 9m fefe ft ft ftt-- 4tetp fe Wi fe WI-. ft feteimtw ft'Ma gita I 9 Hi ft a- it Mwk bai 4 rt wetffefti M--s Kbwh fbw feH 4 fth- ft fti 4H fuirv8h 9 I I few i fefts ft Ft wai o4 Wsat lke6t Km Mte aa 4 15 Wa in 4 Lh Wwa wb a rrw aafc a saw MrVl4 Wa(M 144 4 teW IkteM Cttewrg M-aesaeve, Ikw taaag a t4 4 RwiC 14 fart be WwwAg te4 I e4A- 4i Ha cart bnaaw 4 a Sw1 wub Mage Lew fiwm wt Um wratM raw A S-S Stew Iwwww Ub W4wfw ajkg lb yay tea y4M ar.

a tw CtnvUM. Tb ftaywes pgMae 4 wlab bv jaw, 4aiaziy wa Mviy yes-, Wa.aa.g4d fa Mag baa grgw-if. a 4 Rna a zynwu a aria tb aa48 fcw4ig mW4 la 14w 9W8BM LMw aaaawg rv a tab I latamUg BLaaWie fa Hi. TV- augMUw 4fu U-d ba aboif, bwi tat tebrezg bag pa4d biwMiaig ia a wa- ekaMaaw Tb 44wf Waaytew mm tbtak M. IS gwMlad tbal bay mm ta Kb, tlu alidad 9itawd bw aaregt, RtevUgv ba fail.

TR tassjrt bs taws C.iy haiU few th we ag feaiktbil gaw fe-ata When taws F544 ta feat Th KsCevwM, always a heavy -revs w.r.-v ar ta eepl- that jh th ttawkayer Rut tad tad RiJltadgs FuriT axrt'ia5a-c tsj sewjan farscaStiy wt.b her Inn 4 th P.S ta ftetei yars fcv iarx- umg i bm teT4 any atclwaag ta Two, tews zera natioes apprs ta ta th nrsrg GRANT MEETS CRACK W. AfATERLOO FIVE Mi Leaju ftctmtVrft FrlcUfi Watklal Battle DsWfH Ow cat Her Sttsri y. Th teas lhal ifpwwrs Lw4t far th Valley iiircvw ehrtehJjfe wt3 I gs te cee, he Friday ght Wfe wri, rv 3 Slur IU i'ghA 43414 feg'i tvi.wy ta (WW jel.ikA Ofaet Rugh. Th Fwe.V-s fe- won only gam rs (, ar tac ut gim pjtf tb ssfe 4 l.r. Grant wa i4g-sd twit, at 4 It TR.

seeaeft Vag-j gm wg ui bar Riat-d R- r'M wnen W4i.icua wRieri. Oubjqu. T'z u4 fwriA Ut Ih loegy lUate im Wlsi sad lhgw few 2 D80atar as pjftete-fcl It third wiih fr tkrtar tM two gitfiU L4 wr ea-pur pisy Dwvzyjaset FfebLay c.g-4. and they few le th pcve cwwt-pLsc th Tdwra w-i aa ya thews her 4 TsecvwA firitl ft Chare I defeat fefe fe aier'iaa rg'rfv te fe at Swart an rvo ch-an: wr.S baMars TR Uiter Clb hrh-y df.ieg the Tlgr ia aa terry but OrileE Ryeflb irws few- ty tesnrwsteg at th grs grtzeed, and fey lhrg (4 ps jre si vwtorte th ttert JCU Slack a a scricg-wg lre Lb th feg-e Ciraets reuizg WS3 fe aeKd fca re ar-4 ICumxwr. wiuci.

m-s t. iM Wrj. Ua a4 KtuOt, I'sarc. rnlig I aging Div wi4 8g 6-iaa r-t LiCWiter'Si Jaaet. wu Rcjb i4 tkhwzrk.

fiitefitv i I i I I ft twnw2 TH-Vsdlc) TVicrife I ft Clrum! Osc Omn Tliu Weft, tn TV bnefeewn f.e faSteiF tere mi yd tw-eed et ,,4 tntew ttamtete gfU.n aAa ee ad fereu a i Wvn.uA w54 l-i ttetedtetewe aa Dtrtaea 4-n 4mmg fr, Tbe faaeS At 1 ntmd a feet te 91 Ae wew few II tut, bi ea-A tnad fee Wit 9 Ulk4 fey Nd (1 (wteMs I MtaB8ed mM law M. yinruu-e wife aweeav Tb. 2 f-w-9. tak um tee IVnnaMte tyMet ate ale 7ak 48 It It a te S-Mtet a i mh iw iw few (t Tbg fe te-At, AS Am A S. fee iiA fc IRC He wan te! 14.

gwywte me -I tent Grand 9 Tr Defeats Columbus 24 21 CrTirui Cl. HR( vw Ft Ls JS, eis i.i Pim m-i h- gr c-i-unin a i -m imui ry gam bk ig y. niitimt tau-wal wj giy avw a lezwfits gj ii 2il aebL WM nua ta fewyy h-7iCig fer fi Vw-taeu U4 tew rw be leap tea riig Wc-mig wtmft 1ft feey-ak tewai Paua, taw mi'h Rnn ta Wife thee(3y ar 9,9 Ih fr-Hl lawma 9. Fneec Sw se Lg fe ii fy 5.: -nr; k-Wte Sly 9 or i a TV OaVnk ten CU.Ae, tf Amm Un av ftn.i1 taeis ft ta ft', we (11 ft abmt ta f.ftte aa nite im nee ata, ftag wife A ftc-a Uei im IW 4 a .1 5 Vie 7-sk Wf.h ite-telw, Lb. tty ian-y Hal Pteih'-ata, tum-e t-r '7ite.

af twntre 9 14 fX -k Ceviot, fbit-t tesX W(Jb pi.n.nMft h1 hh, Trig Wttg 1C a ta et a a F-raaen ft 1 ft. Steed Rite, -W I feii'mtiw tM.aniC it1- 5 4 1 fe 1 tn-ntl '-tel. fe te glf til'S te i BasldbaU flcsdii Vfty i ntaum ft ft Kwgbtl Ml 94V 4P ai ta w4iwl ta 1 iiei Ms turyesaad ta K1 fn a wiz, II- 1 1 Wtf 1 1R4 34 ta fe aauijvee vir.j',, TWy fe4 a afc Kwm 1A4 Itet 14 C-ftety-4-f ta W-t'W r4 hi M-eTta Tb aw 4 ta 4m 24 44 aeswawg WM4. tb 4te4g Alta IS C14 tteilte a bteg ta f-w44 fmm ta -g 9 4 4 t-Vter)i 4 Wtew4' aug 4 Sa, Ami-4 ta pesewAa ta ta ta Sm. te4, fe 4 ta 41 aarw49 14 ta mm azy ta ba we litet ta few ,4 itate 4 aa ta fe---- i1 gM ta late fe bh ta I fee gate, tb eery gtewl nr ws ta ta-ta 1MS4 ta tana Stea few ta (44 ezwwtekn ta fee 'bwataf teacM Cj mm4 Vysd ta a tawSswSk.

A tejnc. yngr $.: tana rg van. raw. utmt Cita'Sil 14 tatetwd 2911(4. wg h- i pf awry sm ta(vAu a 4k ta4 0 ptntmam ta pal ta Tvtel (ugi- hsCteS'i WUA a.

in, nyiM'i ha fe- fetaW ta W- si fe tia im taa ta fartt wa 11 t- 9g 4 te UNS. few. ta twaabfe Ira fears i-4m M' lMi a.Sw Is a fej tsna feat is-WHig a g.w ta Sii te7l wz4 ta( he t'm fe wl Oi V.l Frvacl.n iri4 etv, law, Wl547 fe S( fe4.i(.v4't 91 a yfe.g avs, VW Ci a ta vt't i i4itiu mt v.i fe74 Id fejr -(; ita -'( tfe ton Mi 9 te- it -n i ru-i 1 fcrwA knT7T' 1 fl i I I 5 I I I I 1 1 tj tEOTT All F.llIS TO EECiABMN.UTsS Lifted af-y A-r-t CUay-ni Vk'iL Wtefe, li .4 vft TVe 1 te4w. $BS -'SE-ftr te titim ww ifftw tft feywr v4 f- inw ss fytilfegfetin ftr fttitiftift Hit fftthUKNil VtefeTsfeSAzi lltIMft rWfettlwft Hnhffefft 7fettfefew ws kk ife I tftkaT-f 1 1 tMSDttftft tl tfeh fetftltefefeitft ftiHltfrah fttff (ffetfttfev 4lM fvUl 4vft ftMllliMtvtfeftt, ItkiNSlifft ft 9 94? tilt i ft I lltftt Lfeftf lltttrti tftft.flfeagKi It 4k ft fts-miic ftsfefe Jwift 'wnMyft lf I'TlIHk 1tvf im aIHlnift ffcw iHK Ml 4i7, 1- feUagsMfft ftcKig iit) ftit KMftM 4 1- i- i4i ir igfefeH4) ftt )4ft ftli tfHvl ffellftM ftatsfevgr III fegft fefelb tT'M! IUftavafefe is tTUfaft ft ItutiMkft ikvfti stftn iift ftlif if IvVft rfelaeft--. fUafe( ffevCKM tlftfe ftsftttyft I ftft 5ltllllKlltt( ft ft ft, H'f Ks la ViuUVi T.

Mrcl I C) 5 r- 4 II ft 4 ft 4 1 i -r 1 Si 1 R-5 Mi iu I -aiiti te-tl fei. iw- 81 ii.u.w "linn. li, 7n i aa it i TO g-tetta, 4tai, fe tea 1 ata it htet. te, 1 IW taat. tta tel 1 a.

arMwe ae IK cl*tata ib wtetfe (n. fit til i lte I he tt. ttw iaaitn. Winnt.i Wlatnt 9 a ttatei -ata Hite ta. ternw im tue'ta I-.

'IHt11. 4lU.Li. cuft 4 'V a 3 ft. trill ie 1 f-t-imw tent a ate taaaa. I watt itl' trtM.

7 uiVteta! l.ta tteiteOe.p btetetl ft aWte-atltlfte a me It, III ft faat lata i ta tt Mta I 8 u- tta. alaaeta. Wte a-e-C i.ure fet z.ftta i inti t'tai1 v.tni 6teimHliie Vta te tei 'ajttete 4a Me ti S-ii kite I.ftete Ulntea lie 6, it -V, tael ea fa t.Llinait it 'la 8 tf laiit ft V11 a tenant. ta. ft I a anti watt I I ft teat ft at.

ftnete .1 Mt tea ft iJt ft 1' VgFsrt-ift t. tI i 4 'I in fe 4 ftiigrvt -si ft' Mt MgaE3W- 44 ft 4 ft I v4rt ft. (Hit Ifttfl Iftlfe ftsftdKvaftf mZ aih if mi To'', fftti'A 'Map -ftfeawt 4W ifteslK ft ftm kv-vf gr fey r' I ftrkfeetl lift ft ftrPfeftc aw 4 te 1 -H iife-s ft- ft Hfe fswwiH Iwwft Va ftawi g- kWM Ftt4NMi 1 1 -injT wfi fefefte ft' wwf tat few4 ks I fer fv A if R-4fefe-bf I Urn1 fca i ft-) if 1 b- ft fe I ti fttsft ftfevp' Mrifejircf. ftmi ftirtiUBW '4 A i WgW A feK ft4 ift 4 Mi ayl fe 1 9 I I 4 ft ft -1 tM- twti a-Hfe ft ft fta. ft a f' tiH S-1 K.

Imw1, i ft Ui ft tetrW Um Maw.fe 4 'awwstg tvs'tett MFW-feesp AK i 4m fan ta afti tT ft iiaxF feft ft 4 ftferf ftcK ft aFtewft ft anwKi t. 4 1rft2i 4r ft, Waft fft Utft 1 ft ajb ftftb.l- ftft 'ftft Ksceiy felftft ft-M ftTi UM Ifeft ft iKCyfskr Iwt ft.i fgft "I ft -in r'i) tl ft 42n 4 Xi tanfe9 taw ltLMil ftt -J SRftp ftBhft 1 A-m IvbiKtt 4 ft ftt tft 4fe 4eg ft -ftr fvwMJt Cite-mW 1 te -9 3 ten i. (mi Ate late i (,, ftibU 4 ft ft, ft 94 4 ag fig I 49 feisgAAy ft ta a te 1.. 1, i in ta, ten it' tea It te te te-a- a-ti -i i. 1 ia.

I afrf. a tte 1 tetertta tte te.Ul 6 It. teteta ta te.te -k twy ftssei gnr-ftg-bf 4 fevikfe! at- I lKVte-14, I ft ftMH.raWA tvftifm 4 aft link 4 f4 I ft, eftalvtft tf I ft ft f4' fy ft A Jl 4 ws iw 1-4-' fet r-aHagfe kfe4r -M 4 mt, t-4 'rae noti 1 te-l a ki 4 gt Ctt'-I k-T rtivri s-1 ft feft 4kK It I Wftftfet4 a 8 grA ft( i fe ft liifefttfeii few Its a- I ft A if kik iN f-'" 4 kM r.ft ftkaft- Vti 1 tr -at 3 4fca ferwft feta-ifeVH bcMiiirtrl 4W4 fesCfts s' -4 rfefefe tfe.fek 9.v 4be afftefcwlftftr ftgka ft'Jft-N'Vft Wwttelt tWalf'- rtkv.tee,ft ftkftfe ft 1-' ON blk 1 I 4s ftb a6 fWg-iSMBi feftalart (sSkaairyk, Vftt, UA 9 4c f3H ft. 4ii LftJ fta 91. FpeWfV-f 4 tft 74 ifl -w-wbt ft aft fe ftfg J-k iefe gyu fy e-ft afe fM 4afk kil stkaagi i4 1 4 3 BUfg er.feft ftx; iK-ft ft A Bt UiS Kb-teft11 aa9 ik.i Kwik, 5 vi- it -t 61 gf a 7 eftr-r.

tl Jt'f r.v.s i J'wyiJ-fefe4l' ft yrb rMWiivkfefe, ll fc Mfvyfe iI fe 1 fe-e itK i'4 f4Na V'fenV1 liJM rsff'ANlH Hvi.i,bH4ii 1 i MW It- IH )1 4gtfe) ti 'ernes gffe -tOftbfc SjMNjK Hgita tfc life I illHlf yf4 lllifi fr Uwtvri fiMfe' I- 1 JfS iki 1 6 'f rulK 9 3 a 94 1ft 'SI 4 i fi kfn '3 arftln1 4nwT HfeMagifef fin Kfe fb iHPi sft18srtte. SftsfcupMpfe gk it, t-V I A tr i ftttoy zwaftpi, yv npA 45 rfe a Vwsft 4 f--- Is 0P Mft tef (4 we A- a ftk F-a tpa-Te4 r- BELOIT, Wti Wuh the pceageel bf being without the feme tt siar forward. Bob STewct, who has been 111 at hie boo tn Chicago fj the last week. BeJcii tssaef a strong Coe codege baVetH team here Fnday night tn Its rna JmL4-t conference time. Beloit wtm esuly ftoca both Jttpe and Lawrence and was defeated tn hard fought game by Maeyssouih and Knox, making thr prtc! standing In the Midwest reniermew AGO.

Ail conference gaae to far have been played courts foreign to the CJoldmeo. The StattLnert have teen run through exit naive dnUt during the but week la an effort to elisuaste the ragged nets that fell brmi the team tolkwtng final esaanmatkani two weeks ago. Loral La expert Coe to furnUh the Brlc4.ers girsiy of compettuon. Coech It K. Jag card wtil probabfy start Duval and Kelly at forward.

KupUo at center, and I true and Whitacn at guard. Am roiimt loop win. When Coes beak I thuotifi la vsde Beloit Priday night the K-hawks will go running for thwsg fourth Mid went cocvf rrezvhe victory The league record to shows trt-umpha over Cornell Knot and R--ozv and a defet at the Rands of Monmouth. The setback by the Scots Is the only defeat wuf steed by Coach Rutgers troupe tros srAaon. The same fiv men will carry the Crimson color at the smrt eg the proceedings.

Oood and pnote. fae-wards; Pack, center, and Belknap and Neary, guards, wCl thare the burden. On th wsy home fnsa Wwcuia the Kohawks will stop tn Roeg Island for a setto with Auguitana Saturday night, Marion Cagcmcn Meet Manchester In League Sctto The Manchester fives wd Invade th Marion stronghold foe a pwtg cf game ITiday night. TR. varsity contest will hav a irong ff4 on th standing In th Tin Valley kagu aa Manchester was upwet by Vinton for tint leagjw defeat tn four games last Friday, It the Mr-lonitct caa come through with t-torves err Marxhejter and Icde-pendenc the locals wld annet a tie foe th tltSr.

Smc th gam sehedkd ta be played with Sprirgetlle late Tn-iay has bea t-ot poned FK 3S. Coach Wolf hst beeo shifting hi players ar Jur.d to try andbuJd bp a combination which taa connect foe scores more conaiaentiy. The local will be th under dog ta m-days court sett but hav hotws 4 pulling th game out the 1m aa they did In the Vlr.ton smell Is quit probable Pat the Wal mentor wul fit to be Bh-irley and Lastea ta th forthcoming gam as they perfumed tetter thao some of the regulars la th Vinton battle. The locals mu4 up hu-kervUle, the high-czjeirg Manhawxs center, and McIntosh, his high-scoring teammate. The Marion fmhmaa Inn wtU engage th Manchester frveh ta a curtat nr tier baltl ta sun at oclock.

Elkader Wrestlers In State District Meet Sp-et-l tp Tka Gae4i. IXKADrn. 1. Cbci Bchroyer leaves for New llamptcan Fndav with seven of hi high tcheaol grapple rs to enter theta to the aiat district WTevtling tournament, wnwa is to be held they Friday and Saturday. In this tournament the lx cut-men wiu come ta ceenpetition with trappier from Crevco.

Mason CUT. Dubuque, raet W'ri-n. Teachers high. Cedar Falla and New Hampton, winner of first and ond places trUl go to th state loir-namenl which will he'd Cedar rails, Feb. II and 1L Earlvtlle And Delhi Divide Double Bill la Th CartsiS high school basketball teams en-gaged In a doubt header with th Delhi teams th Delhi C- Tuesday evening rarh die Ctrl won.

23-U, and th EarleV! boys kt to th Delhi team, 4g.g Th la th last gam for Us local g-ru team until th tournament, Th boy will play with Greeley at Greeley mdiy night. r. r. c. a.

arr league B-! Ml Rj Feeeaewetea Re-f-i- a- Mtewvil tr I a4i. 4i. e4 i 4 I 4M, 4 Ite itea. I seats I i 1 Fete 4 ta-OM-4 at ftesMe Mm uw rtnr fv RVtavrr, I 4 Ww4 -ae i 13 WRESTUHG RESULTS imt tut ntftim kizit rmuMuma ftte ten- r-k ft. 17 rj.

Mzxr.Tttc 7ia ia. IfeglfeH. 4 teams have won thirty-ei-ht victories, lost sixteen and tied live. He developed an open style of play. His verification by the University bf Chicago's board of trustees was expected to be handed down Thursday afternoon when the board meets.

Shaughnessys recommendation calls for his appointment as assistant professor of physical education, which gives him faculty status at the University of Chicago. The announcement first came from Metcalf in a conversation with Chicago alumni who had met to urge upon the athletic director one of their own members as Staggs successor. The announcemnt came from the University of Chicago soon after the alumni meeting. Shaughnessy is expected to report here soon, in order to organize his plans for spring football practice. At the University of Minnesota Shaughnessy played end.

tackle and fullback at various tlm-s on the football teams of 1911, 1912 and 1913. Among those who recommended Shaughnessy for the position are Dan McGugin. coach at Vanderbilt: Dana Bible, coach at Nebraska, and JBemie Bierman, Minneso'a coach. Shaughnessy will replace Coach Stagg, who was retired after" coaching University of Chicago teams for forty-one years. Stagg has accepted a post at the college of the Pacific In California.

Iowa Works On Defense To Halt Purdue Snipers Special to The Gazette, IOWA CITY Most of the two final practice periods before Saturday's game against Purdue will be spent in improving the University of Iowa basketbaU defense. Coach Rollie Williams said Thursday. The Boilermaker offense leads the Western conference with an average of 35 points for each game, and the Indiana quintet is regarded as one of the-hardest to defeat in the loop although it is new in sixth place. Charles Stewart, veteran forward, and Norman Cottom, flashy guard, are expected to provide the greatest scoring threats. With Howard Bastlan at center, the Iowans were able to control the tip-off in the Purdue game at Lafayette, and expect to have that advantage a gain.

Saturday night. Bastlan is five inches taller than "Dutch Fehring, Boilermaker pivot man. Coach Williams Is likely to start John Barko, sophom*ore forward, as the result of his outstanding scoring success in the Chicago game. Barko will replace Moffitt and serve as the running mate for Gueldner Knunbholz. Luther To Meet CornelKQuintet In Tilt Saturday Special to Th Gazette.

DECORAH, la. When the basketball team from Cornell college at Mount Vernon comes to Decorah on Saturday of this week one of the outstanding games of Luther colleges schedule will be played. The visitors are expected to give the local quintet a hard battle. or C. LI AG IE.

Enzlr Lacraaz. Gradj iso 137 Mftrsn 176 105 Enzlcr 147 14T Seabrook 191 Totals 23 7 MaUJa Tailor. KshM 132 11 8. Data ......157 14) Bartosh ni 17 8. Palumbo 169 144 119 111 134 415 147 441 190 611 SIT liTi 91 141 173 47 141 441 16 411 tT 1711 18- 12 no 10 141 417 15 II smT uii 17S- 57 111 431 45i 149 464 51 1797 irr 480 in li a- in 167 476 Total 99 590 541 1730 Kanealy and Smlrr.

Reader .....171 150 141 44 T. Palumbo 181 131 143 447 Fr, Churchill .109 104 142 57 G. Scoiaro. 16 11 179 17 Total 65 00 mi Naaaer Mrn'a Wear Ted Nor per no 790 491 P. Campain 147 147 147 441 A.

Malion .....157 121 131 409 P. Sebeika lit 170 195 33 Total .5 4 is" 7 mi Lokersrr p*rn. C. Fr Behan 139 139 vw yiv Rock 141 141 141 439 Patterson Ill 111 113 138 fichmita Ill 140 1S7- 479 Total 7 634 'l" 1441 White. Joe Scoiaro 184 144 141 474 T.

Seabrook 149 174 ISO 47 M. Hansen ............161 149 144 451 A. Happei 104 1M 16 404 Total ...404 601 404 iaoj Star. J. Nuttin 174 11 J41 464 P.

Brown .140 174 127 441 H. Smith 159 131 171 43 P. Do La Hunt ..17 171 l7J 521 Total 4mm54is84I fit fU 190 817 S91 Colonial Bakina C. Dr Tuomry vtl 153 Dr, Blanton 135 J. Murray 13 Ht Dlh ...,...,,117 200 Total .....523 ill" Crateryilla Coal Co.

Hir-1 151 171 Jaodl 139 119 Lynoit 14 5 144 J. Bcolaro 171 141 BT FAt B0B7N9OX. totem Iteaal New Aerate Swart Write. NEW YORK 1 INS) The Boston Red Sox may again be the door mat of the American league, but the chief difference this year ia there 111 be no "welcome" on the mat. In other word, the So wUI be a little tougher for the other to kick around.

The pitching may be a little better and the hitting should Improve in spots, but otherwise It is hard to note any Improvement Kith the naked eye. Marty McManus will give up the playing end of the game and devote himself entirely to running the club from the bench. Lack Coordination. Several of the Red So might have been the young men of a hom Mique Gonzales, the ancient Cuban catcher, once said. "Plenty, field, no hit.

And of others Mique might have ald. "Plenty hit, no field." The pitching ataff might be called untried and yet it has possibilities. The Infield isn't too good, the catching just fair, and the outfield ao-o. Bmra.1 Jo! la liter a tuhT wrll. rrriamly aaani an uilte.u.r an4 thr rtprrimmi et Uimm him mm barkitop ahould te an inter cn laiiurr.

Tte and burnt both, will d.viil th caMhui D-l Airiandrr, 011 cf ih (un-fowted mrmbrra of hr team, may Mag in aaainin hilling but i. no Hal Chaw 00 nr ban. For ih ini Hwiitt. Prt. brrg, Mjl'rary.

Ficucftny and Wattli tlte b-l (hat can (aid la lhy will. Mi lad and food to tbtr folk. Wlnaail la Onllteld. Johnion. OUrrr and arthapa Wina-M.

who taaerd ih ball lor J1J 1 Ian yrar. may da ta.rte wail, wua Ill la pinch hit now and than, pr anted th fat boy can kerp hi wnabt aura 6.1 a undrr iso Paul Andrew may gzaetoy trity filtchrr. Ha ati winner wua th fat ast yaar and ahouitf btar th.a a. a. on.

Th lamparamantel Hank Jehnwxt could wm If could fottti ha Pratt look on tha mound whar ar.ra more is a picture. It fair sad U.ciuuu. Rhndaa and Wetland tr. 1 a a A. toarthar.

not a ncomu.n bunch. A It fhapct up now, iha iam nf W' pctzrd foe ntc barth tn th tawiuct Trinity Badgers A. A. G. Teams Win In Y.

Wp Cage Loop Trinity, Badgers and A. A. G. teams flipped out victories tn Wednesdays game in the Y. W.

C. A. girls basket bail league. Trinity defeated T. M.

T. 43 to 20; the Badgers won from the Business college. 15 to 15. and A. A.

G. downed Which Way, 14 to 10. On Friday night Inter Ocean faces Olivet. St. James meets the Badgers, and T.

M. T. M. opposes the Business college. Lineup: T.

4 T- M. (29 Rand, tli'fv Ovpat udr. Bock maa. Bchunrcni. Uarwa, C-fijorwn.

T. Trinity i43l Jan Mtiter. Natrcc. at. quelln Miller.

Cart in. Wood-id. Woodward, fiorahart. Bad err HD Hayward. Knyo, Bezel-tek.

Btoneklna. Brendel, hue, Simon. Biiumm Collet till Pranere. Ufa, Be a ion Andcrron. Weaver, Ardurer.

Which Way fl4i Hauer. Warthpn. M. Fumfrry. V.

Fumfrey. F. Fttmfrey, Uic Grraeor, Brink. Kun. A.

O. 1 14 MrGIltleiiddT, W. Moya a. 24. Hoc an.

Funkry. Htedermao, Rpc. Dec-mode. Lockwood. Wrber, Offiriaia: Mr.

Louie Tiffany and Mat Fay Kelly. Butler Defeats Washington U. To Hold Valley Lead INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (INS) Butler university maintained th basketball lead of the Missouri Valley conference her Wednesday night by defeating Washington university of St. Louis, 33 to 33.

Butler has won six conference games and lost one. while Creighton has four victories and one defeat. Gunnell Five Leaves On Three-Game Junket Bpeetat to Th Cl arena. GRIN NELL. 1a.

-The Crinne3 college Pioneer will leave for a three-game jaunt Thursday after having demonstrated before home fans here last week-end that they till are able to win basketball games. Coach J. C. Truesdal wi.1 leave for a six-day trip taking with him ten players. Three tough games are on the schedule.

Friday evening the Pioneers will meet DePaul university fir at Chicago. Next In line will be two Missouri Valley opponents. Butler at Indianapolis, and Washington at St. Louis. They will be played on Saturday and Monday nigbu.

respectively. ua. Keystone Wins Tenth Consecutive Victory Bp -ul tn T7i Oasrd. KEYSTONE. local high school eager added two more victories to thtlr record, by taking Belle Plalne, 40-21.

Friday and Sheilsburg, 59-25, Tuesday. Eheiu-burg seconds won. 18-13 Th team has won ten game so fax without auffering a defeat. Sox Will Finish In 1st Division, Says Commy f-tfilteint i iwt 1 Aii wiif, Ut ta taee Min Hiitg skui ta latiiiiiMi SwiMg biiiteE a R'im ''tiiig, kite 1. teiiii.un V-ili jFnamwti.r 4v ta Warn, 1mI ni t).

hi 4 Jir-i-ik 3(iOiuMtn4 9- 9w 111 -1: li.llii lateir tee a. ef(taliitap i1iiii 9 tell -i 31 limiH, a.imiw, n( (ii.iu ta Uii. -tan 1 at. g-i-twj ig lit, mwir ten 6. fe- fefef fe-a Kaw -g i fe ft K9 1 .8611 89 ft vgoe H-H ftte ss g6 ivi'ftl fe ter i-tabS fe li 4 it i.

A 1 1-fyLte-a ptSi.Mit lta.te feta.1- a ft, tyeegik. t-ftft It mm99r 9 v.6i.s efts fefee 1 9 ft fttfM gHiafefe hferektstfe. fe 8 fea4 ffetet q-66 yw-g 1 itf "1 I It I 4 i ft -fefeftt gb Hb ljb -99 t9i rt.9teaM.MM ft bK -I4 Wfeft it ttiriM bga. 4 4 -4 -aft I. 6i ur.I Defeat VUc 31 To a i-it ta Wtafui.

Iiy rita i- 1 taw f-wi in, WT-nery jlitjua Atli'li 9.1 i- 9 3'4 be lC Itet, ii.ey 9s teteC iit- Tl.tfe I a Intel it. (tarn gifts Ih fu-ife te.ateft 6t Villi. -Iteitts Zltati (l niiw iy cisatteun ttna ft ft la Wife naallW.ita. ft ta -na -fe 1. Swtena rv.kiv- SfW ft fea Cat ntabtee fewis.iw iiHO fttv S' ft :5 Vabtect HfcU 1 an all gets do ty Iwtmvrtff- 1 at t.

folalt Oal Thl Ilia Lfetl 32 Gtntt Bf One Ro liil Sfetwaj ThU Ttir, CmCkGO IN9-TRJW Dm to th i ruj t-n feee a i. argtai a.ti J. Uvt Cwjurf, tn VtA Ame.teWA tewges UJ Aril VSrry hargv A tft, 7 fuciiiilf, th fmxut S3 4 Irc.fteS- W-zu tfe thick th( gfsixg tx the trr4 Lviun fre tkvlit rtf ft gli giww terog pa Ctjafaju-ag Cckn-jery, bug thft ft ho aw Nft ft, fe-sw ih Eiftei-. 4-s 4 socaetauc.g te wi giuiers (r Ckjiuj, Ccouir! srg-mesfe ft g--t -W LS tiaoi fet run fta yzwfe." a i -bate grswieeg tsrsxc-r-zmeei Rate Seeft ta i KeaestvmiA bf te Uur w4 hsai Pjf 'Jh Safe. I.

fW Smw a few tO th3 ru-g 1133,, Th pfe2-s tatty i luTfUal A-ny bs trSf tbL Tb wifel a at Vftrt, ttu ay fUA Betfe ewjr5ft tis A-k kry ift "Nteft thew IM rt-y (khztatit vkA JtateX Li IhCTXXatfts gaXta we lust fey fu aM 1 getnry atri.jc1 ftafe S- yu4 ta Rft 49. Vat Bf ta urns! Stejaaj-ter ii (j 5 Eudi DANDRUFF 0 4 gfi iitt -r5- '4, 'll 4 L' 4 2 1 pvtteji fe ia ItmrTlKIMNli Kiihik.W4 1 ify4 tituiutsmmMl Hlifit ft 4 ft 9S jig! ftbcfekcv SlFbMkk(u ft ci a tfevA mtette KK U)H tllCoMt feUK'llWM -I Imtif ft. fitHiBMli THMMiUtf lfe Ka4 lHl ft il. ft tHK Tiitgf ft fkl' -wvw I'tAeiW Jl1 9M9t J- kta It Tnfki prism t.ith vtygteMbAife 4kf ms 4' 'SM Ci fta aaft 1 (jt-KIkPi 4 1 I ft ft $tek4aM 48A -efe 'rSl 'r'ull 8 ftt- i Mvtn 4 taiatii li 4 fej bemeftk 1 wytfta- KAtfeMa npiw-, i gita-lfed 9m PN wekfti.fti ft (H r-HTl i 4 Jtt itm- PbP8by wPts Kcsm 4ai4 4 Ws ra-SatA ft 4 itilfei (. fetoWHI hbtewvt ewe teteMi fepkat, fHMeyttet A 6 fttkf yk ftSWfei ft, SyftlJkw ftuis' -ftiSe 4 j-iTT ut krf fe I agftV gar 1ft at 11 sg lb p-S -fAaHgf 8 7 afe I 1 ftrjc-y ei -4 3611 1 i prtaXft i th fel ferry Ai re ra4 ft ftt ta fe-s 1 tpatA ft At teaeg yg mi ta' V-'.

Hurt tat tttub te th Wfe'irw-A r--. tt featwi yyey i frr a tiM iu 9 t-s oaj 4 key than Ai w-i Sil te-y writ feiA he fee fe r-arvf R-a vf ftk I 1 fz iet.r(' a-tt 1. tft -n- tpak tHteHiia-r I ta I Zf-e ters k.yfey titovl N9wy4 wrK4p OkkklNMMi. 4y 4 Hi MfeMfli fTL.

fe 11, tMM 4m ta4 MMl m4 mmXAt.

The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.