The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)

Page Eight Monday, Nov. 26, 1917. THE PORT HURON THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME WANTED Classified advertising custntrs of The Timea -Herald nay leave t'-e'- a-vs at f-- rf the. stations ana pay fame. They wilfbe promptly care for.

This desires to make its people's ivortiMn- pair to with the Ieat possible effort on heir ICO, Nt JHti C5T1LL UAVeEMOUGHy STltt-FM fi-MO FOR TOMORROW. YAGHAH Is pxter i credit to any and all 14 AW t4 i.r.rt. It is oi.vio thiT this trr vrho miiht call 1 fore, these stations, fMiiw.i i- th a.coo nu: At 'r Thereof Tort Huron, have been i. Leave copy with tneru arj it will be tr. as uur -uaiuci.

any one GPJSWOLD HTREET C. F. Ki'hr, Grisv old and Tenth strer MIT-IT ART STREET F. C. BaUentine, corner Military ar.d Grlswold streets.

LAPEER AVENUTE W. H. Grocery. 1301 Lapeer NORTH SND A. J.

2339 Gratiot F. K. ivt Lohrstorfer, K7 Fine C-oe Gtty Sharnrd, 932 drove avenue. PLHK Draper, the druggist. TtTCNF.L SECTION E.

R. O'Neill. Railroad street. FOR PORT HURON Man or firm with automobile to act as promoter and local distributer for a large eastern publishing house. Only those financially capable and interested in a first class part-time proposition need apply.

Write immediately to Post Office Box 288, New York City New York Help Wanted Ivlale WANT AD REPLIES BOX L.H.. W.W., R.I, R.F.F., J.J., 405, 28. 414. 2. For Sale Miscellaneous WANTED BOILER MAKERS for new and repair work.

Port Huron Engine Thresher Co. 11-6-0 WANTED Experienced crk, ma to or female. Smith Bros. 11-- NEW HOUSE Hardwood finish. Furnace heat.

1-iectric light and gas. Full basem*nt. pen plumbing. On paved street and street car line. Will sell with small payment down.

Immediate possession. AO dress Box XK, Times-Herald. 11-22-0 TiUN WANTED Married man to work on farm; steady job: near city; house, wood and other privileges; box Times-HeraM. ll-2b FOR SALE One-ply roofing paper very chenp. Goldman 404 Grand River ave 12-1 Us Ami Offer Make WANTED Good energetic young man; good chance for advancement; a -ply box 1000 Times-Herald.

11-2S PORTER WANTED for the Hotel Harrington; rood wages for the risht man. 11-13-" WANTED An air hammer riveter at Morton Salt "Works. ll- WANTED Men, at Summers Linen Co. 11-25 FOR SALE House on Sixth street: lot phone 475W. 11-26 FOR SALK Gas stive for sale at 1414 Gris A id street, city.

L. E. Cady. 11-26 FOR SALE caught herring, every day this week, shrimp meat. Fish Market on Ferry Dock; phono 1562.

11-27 WANTED Two bell boys to "work after scoooL Hotel Harrington. 11-19-0. WANTED Stock boy at Hirer's Big Store. 11-13-0 FOR SALE Five-year-old horse, or will exchange for cow; Robert Freiger, first house, Kraft Road, off Gratiot avenue. 11-24 tm mm LOCAL MARKETS Help Wanted Female FOR SALE Slinhtly used genuine lea- I ther small sized davenport; inquire I 1028 Water St.

11-26 straights $10.20 iff 10.50; Kansas straights 1 1.00 ft 1 1.15. Pork firm; mess family $54 55; short clear $52 57. Lard easy; middle west $28 0 28.10. Hides steady; Bogota 41c; Central I America 40c Leather firm; hemlock pole over-j weights No. 1 51c; No.

2 49c. 941 HOWARD ST. A two story eight room house with large corner lot and garage. House has gas. electric lights, bath and cellar.

Convenient to down town and car line. "BONAYRE" COTTAGE EDISON BEACH A fine little cottage with gas, electric lights, city water, sewerage. House is in first class shape and would make a first class investment. Liberty Bonds accepted as part payments. T423 Military street for rent at S35.00 per month.

Has hot water heat and all modern. Money to loan at 6. Edward F. Percival FoR SALE Vsed furniture, heaters and local Grain Markets Red "Wheat IM White WTheat it Oats barley I as rans-es; atso typewriters, ratrs, 11-29 il Water St. WANTED First class stenographer.

Good salary to right person. Address Box 88, I FOR SALE Saxon roadster; perfect running order; spot light; g-ood tires; Vesta battery; primer and tools, $150: address Bex XO Times-Herald. 11-21-u oucKwntM, per cwt. Beans New York, Nov. 26.

The week in the stock market opened with a general rally from Saturday's moderate depression. War shares, shippings and specialties gained 1 to 1J points and Union Pacific featured their rails, advancing 1J points General Electric was reactionary, bow-ever, on the new financing of the company, yielding more than two points. General Motors and Pullman were included among the other heavv issues. Liberty bonds little change. The market closed strong.

11-27 Times-Herald. The prices below are quoted dally New York Sugar New York, Nov. 26. Raw sugar steady; centrifugal molasses refined steady; cut loaf crushed molde A cubes XXXX powdered powdered fine granulated $8.35: diamond A confectioners' A No. 1 S8.20.

niiiia uuiiiR uusmess in Llie City 01 For Huron. Any farmer bringing his pti aucts to market and failing to reefcn FOR SALE 50 acres, ail pood work land od buildings, land level, good fences. 21 peach trees, 20 apple trees, thres acres of raspberries, one-half acre strawberries, near Crosweil, price. $3 600. with $2000 down; I.

E. Terry, 32 N. Saginaw Pontiac. Michigan. 11-26 meso prices win ao ine Tlmes-Harsi a favor by reporting the aama at itu office.

WANTED Youn? ladv for lunch counter; call 1633J after 6 p. m. 11-23 WANTED A girl for general housework. Mrs. G.

H. Treadgold. 1510 Sixth street. 11-26-0 New York Stock List New York Cotton New York, Nov. 26.

Spot cotton, quiet; middling uplands, $31.25. BUYING FOR SALE Farm, three miles from i 1002 MILITARY STREET PHONE 55 WANTED Girl for housework; Mrs. F. Farr, 729 Union St. 11-28 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; 245S Military etreet.

11-27 city, quarter mile off Griswold street: 78 acred, all cultivated: fine soil; a bargain; terms easv; John G. O'Neill. Majestic Theatre Block. 11-13-0 CHICAGO MARKETS FOR SALE Nine room modern houso with fireplace cheap. If sold at once: phone 3S9 noon or evening.

10.23.0 Look Here Eay and Straw New hay, $15 to $ls per ton; stn $8 to $9. Kidaa Bee' hides, 16e per lb; No. 1 tto pelts, B6c to $1.25. Rorsehides, $5.0 apiece. Calfskin.

No. 1, per lb 8 Tallow, l-2c per lb. Beeswax, 2tc i 22c per lb. Meats Beef. $11 lo $15; alive.

$6 to $8 cwt. Pork, $18.00 to $20.00 per ci! Pork, alive. $12 to $13. Bu per cwt; U.i ton. $14 to $16 per cwt: alive, 1 4 to per cwt.

Lamb, ISc tc 25c per lb; lift $10 to $12 per cwt Veal, 12c to 18c pound. Toultry Chickens Alive, 14c to 17c: dttssi'- To Rent Rooms FOR RENT Furnished modem in private home: phone 2316J. rooms 11-26 $2600 buys a 5 acre farm 30 rods from the Mueller Dlant. 8 room house, foun WANTED Women, over 21 years of age. Summers Lmen Co.

11-23 WANTED AT ONCE Experienced sorter, or girl to learn. City Laundry. 11-21-0 WANTED Experienced girl for housework; must be pood cook; laundry work hired; apply Mrs. R. L.

Manon. 1433 Military street. 11-21-0 WANTED Girl for sreneral housework. Mrs. C.

C. Clancy. 9-9 Huron ave. 11-26 FIVE BRIGHT CAPABLE LADIES to travel, demonstrate and fcell dealers; $75 to $750 ner montn railroad fare paid; Goodrich Drug Company. Dept.

433. Omaha. Nebr. ll-2a dation and cellar, about 30 fruit trees. FOR RENT Room with board, all mod- i little 1 erries, just one of the finest 913 Seventh street, farms'" where you can keep a cow eui conveniences Mis VogeleL hens come and raise your living: don't wait; iOc to 22c.

Broilers alive. 18c to 2( dresses, 22c to 24c; turkeys, 29c to J. CAU TOE MEETING- BY TOWNSHIP CLERK To William S. Wilton, W. C.

Barrett, Homer McKer.zie, L. N. Windsor, constituting the Township Board of the Township of Burtch vil'e. You are hereby notified. That on the 3rd day of August, A.

li. 1917, application was made to the County Commissioner of the County of St. Clair, for the locating; and establishing of a certain drain which will traverse. the Townships of Ilurtchville and Grant and that on the 2nd dav of November, A. D.

1917. I was notified by the said drain commissioner of the filing of said application. Now Then, By virtue of the power vested in me by the statute in such case made and provided, 1 hereby call a meeting of said hoard to be held on the 3rd day of December. A. I.

1917, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at Win. Norman's 1-4, Sec. 26. being the place designated by said county drain commissioner for the purpose of determining the ne-cesity of said drain and whether the same is necessary and conducive to public health, convenience and welfare, at which time and place aforesaid you are herebv notified to he present. W.

C. BARRETT, Township Clerk of the Township of Burtchville. Chicago, Nov. 26. Notices of heavy shipments from rural sources nad a decided bearish effect today on the corn market.

Opening figures which ranged from Ac to lower with Januarv $1,201 to $1.21 and May at to" $1,183 were followed by a rally but fresh weakness quickly developed. The close was unsettled, January and May with the- finish as a whole ranging from gc decline to Sc advance, compared with Saturday's last figures. Oats were relatively firm. Absence of selling pressure was the ciilef feature, especially in the December delivery. Lower quotations on hogs pulled down provisions.

A good demand for ribs, however, sprang up after the market had undergone a moderate decline. The market later displayed considerable strength, influenced by larger exports of meats and by the upturns in grain. Chlcag-o Close. Corn May, Oats Dec, 71gc; May, 70 jc. Pork $46.72.

Lard $2487; Ma v. $24.70. Ribs May, $24.92. TO REXT Three unfurnished rooms, furnace heat, pas and electric lights; 104 Sixth street; call at side door. 11-26 geese, z-c to 2 4c.

urtsieu, to 24c. Butter. Ea-ri. Ete. Butter, No.

1 oairy, 42c to 44c pert private creamery, 4 3c to 45c per pout. Eggs, 42; to per doz. Cneese, i'Kl FURNISHED ROOMS Modern conveniences; apply 727 Chestnut St. 11-26 sic per id. WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH Don't matter it br.

ken; I pay $2.00 to i 5.00 per sett send by paroel post ana receive check by return mail. L. Mwer, 2007 Fifth Street. Philadelphia. Pa- 11-26 American Beet Sugar American Can American Car Foundry.

American Locomotive American Smelting; S- Kefinin: American Sugar Refining Anaconda Copper Atchison Baldwin Locomotive Baltimore Ohio Bethlehem Steel 'B'' Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chesapeake Ohio Chicago, Mil. St. Paul Chicago, R. I. Pac.

Ry Chino Copper Colorado Fuel Iron Columbia Gas Corn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar Erie General Motors Northern pfd flreat Northern ore Ctfs. Inspiration op per int. Mer. Murine pfd Kcnnecoit Copper Louisville (i- Nashville Maxwell Motor Co Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper Midvale Steel Missouri Pacific Nevada Copper New Vork Central Norfolk Western Northern Pacific Ohio Cities Gas Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal Ray Consolidated Copper Rf ading Republic Tron Steel Sinclair Oil Southern Pacific Southern Railway Studebaker Co Tennesee Copper Texas Co Tobacco Products Union Pacific United Cisrar Stores U. S.

Industrial Alcohol V. S. Rubber TTnitd Siats Steel Utah Copper Wabash Pfd. Westinghouse Electric Willys-Overland 37i 56 77g 99 fin 55 3 52i 2S 67 475 37i IS 42 3 ML'i 293 30 15 91i 91 27J 44 97i 33J 23b Ml 2Sg 14 24i 17 704 S6 36 i 474 45 22 7tj s- 31a S35 24 40" 12i .1441 534 .116 923 .113 513 9t8 79 412 3SJ 191 FOR REXT Three or four rooms for light housekeeping-, furnished or unfurnished, use of phone and bath; house, number 812 Thirteenth; phone 49sW. 11-26 SELLING Batter.

Ejrs. Etc Butter: No. 1 dairy, 46c to BOc pr To Rent creamery, 50o per pound; eggi, FOR RENT Furnished pleasant heated room or rooms, 1524 Sixth Su 11-5-0 to 48c. cneese, 6c per lo. lieari, Wanted Agents per pound.

Poultry. Chickens, 22c to -5c. Broilers, dressed, 26c to 2Sfl. Turkeys, 35c. Geese, 28c to 30c.

Meats Chlcag-o Cash Grain. Chicago, Nov. 26. Corn, No. 2 yellow, nomiral: No.

3 yellow, No. 4 yellow, $1.75 1. 80. Oats No. 3 white, 721731; standard.

now; is your chance. $651 buvs 2 1-2 acres at Downington 7 room house, barn 1Sx24; has good well; a cozv littJe place for an old couple: house has foundation and cell will trade on house here. $3,700 buys SO acres in Grant township: 65 acres cultivated, balance timber and pasture; fair buildings; need jionie repair; orchard. $7,000 buys a choice 80 acres at Avo-ca: joins the town: here is a fine fram with good buildings and best of soil: a money maker; 5 minuts wolk down town has a brick house; new barn: let us show vou this place: $2000 down: balance easy, or will take house in Port Huron. $2,400 buys a fine stock and wheat ranch in Alberta, Canada, only 7 1-2 miles from a fine railroad and agriculture college town; 160 acres black loam so'l: it is owned by an old man who has a $1,400 equity in it and will trade it for anything else.

If you have a small house or some vacant property to trade here is vour chance. This lbO acres is assessed at just the price he Is offering It for. If you want to buy, sell or exchange propertv, let us sell it. I have Mr. R.

Huston of Allenton. open a branch office and C. Vogelei and A. H. Sanderson working from this office; four men and thre autos at work all the time; It stands to reason that we can sell your property.

List with us; we get the buyers; we cell anything, anywhere. FOR RENT Second floor Maie--tie block for lodge rooms, club rooms or light manufacturing; John G. O'Neill. Majestic Theatre Block. 11-13-0 FOR RENT Farm.

Port Huron Township, 78 acres, three miles from city; all cleared; first clas3 land: cae.i rent or shares. John U. O'Neill, Majestic Theatre Bloca. 11-13-0 AGENTS WAXTED To sell guaranteed uorthein grown nursery stock; good pay every week with part expenses: iim territory; supplies free. The Nursery Wuuwatoso.

Wis. 11-26 Beefsteak. 22c to 32c; short cutl io auc; stewing pieces, loc to 18c; pieces, 18c to 22c per lb. Pork 30c per lb. Roast cork.

2Sc to 30c fr lb. Mutton chops, roasts. 22c to 26c To Rent Houses io. Lamb chops, 30c to 35c per poitf roasts, 30c to 35c Der lb. Veal chops.

Wanted Miscellaneous to 35c. Hams wr.ole. 32 to 34c; lic NOTICE. Please take notice. That there will be a joint meeting of the townsiiip boards of the townships of Clyde and Kenockee to beh eld at James Ishester's in Sec.

36, on Monday, Dec. 3. 1917. at 1:30 p. for the purpose of locating and establishing of a certain drain.

Commencing 40 rods south of the -N'W. corner of east half of SE. quarter. Sec. 35, Town 7 North, Range 15 east; thence running east across said described lands and the N.

one-half of SW. quarter, Sec. 36, thence north 15 rods; thence NE. across the NE. quarter of Sec.

36. crossing east line 40 rods north of the SIC. corner thereof: thence SE. 22 rods to the Isbes-ter Drain. Dated at the Township of Kenockee, this 23rd day of 1917.

LLOYD V. ANDREA Township Clerk. 40c to 45c. Bacon. 42c to 45c sue.

HOUSE TO RENT At 71S "White call at 1433 Seventh St. 11-26 strips. 38c to 42c per lb. Lard, i 22c per pound. Vegetables Potatos, 45c per peck.

Ontpns. lb. Carrots. 30c a neck. Lettuce, li FOR RENT One medium and one small house with bath, gas; near all car lines; phone 475W.

11-26 WANTED Old false teeth; don't matter if broken; I pay $2 to $15 per set: send bv parcel post receive check by return mail. F. Terl, 403 N. olfe Baltimore, Ml 11-28 LOCAL MOVING and distance trips a specialty. C.

Fenton. 725 Eleventh; phone 615R. 7-20-0 731. Rye No. 2, $1.79.

Barlev $1.10 1.41. Timothy 7.50. Clover $20 26. Pork Nominal. Lard $27.26.

Ribs $27.50. Chicago Xilve Stock. Chicago, Nov. 26. Hogs, receipts, market slow; bulk of pales, $17.50 (S; 17.80; lisrht.

$1 6.90 (ij 17.75 mixed, 17.20 17.90: heavy, 17.90; rough, pigs, Cattle Receipts 35.000: market weak; native beef cattle. $7.35 14.85; western steers, $6.15 13.65 stockers and feeders cows and heifers, $5.00 11.75; calves, $7.0013.00. Sheep Receipts, market weak; wethers, native lambs, $12,4017.15. Chicaffo Dairy Chicago, Nov. 26.

Butter unchanged. Eggs unchanged; receipts 4,569 cases. Potatoes unchanged; receipts 55 per lb. Parsnips, 30c to 40c a peclt TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished. Mrs.

C. O. Duncan's home, 2468 Military street; phone 1755. 10-26-0 run Fish, 18c to 25c per pouna. mats Lemons, 30c to 40c dozen.

Onni' 5c to 50c per dozen. Boston Stock List Ahmeek FOR RENT Military street residence, comer of Minnie; ten rooms, fine bath, hardwood floors, furnace, gas, electricity, larste garage: John G. O'Neill, Majestic Theatre Block. 11-13-0 Lost and Found LOST A wnst watch at Athletic field Saturday; call phone 104SW for reward. 11-27 DETROIT MARKETS Arcadian Arizona Com Allouez Dulutli, Nov.

j6. Linseed. J' 3.361; to arrive, to arrhf November. $3.26: fifth, rrt" Dec. $3.17 bid.

Cal. Ariz Cal. Hecla TO RENT Modern home. 264 South call pnoae lita or 3Z9. 11-Z-Q Centennial Chile Copper Range LOST Will ths person who took auto gauntlets from pocket while at public library please return to Times-Herald to avoid trouble? 11-26 Otto Fetting 504 Water St.

Fiona 8830. Open evanino. Good Property No. 1408 7th St. has fine location.

To Rent-Flats cars. Poultry alive unsettled: fowls 15 ISLc; springs 19c; turkepa 27c. WILL STABILIZE CABBAGE $1.25 per bu. CAULTFIjOWER $2.75 per bu. HONEY New white.

24c per lb. TOMATOES Hothouse. 25c per lb CELERY Michigan, 1218c per doz. PEANUTS Roastd, No. 1, 16c per lb.

DRESSED HOGS Best, 2223c per Flack bill older Sunday night: FOR RENT Flat on first floor; also reward returned to Ballentine Dry 1 single room on second floor- 310 oods Store. n-is Glenwood ave. 11-27 lb. BREAD BUSIS ONTONS Yellow. $3.75 4 ner 100-lb.

S3 2 108 51 66 .430 13J 161 451 4a 10g 4J 66 231 i 61 2S-i 1 i 63 171 14 391 61 65 6 i 5 41 12 1 33 50c sack. SWEET POTATOES Jersev $2.35 per crate. LETTUCE Head. 82 2.15 ner TO 1 leaf. 15c per lb.

is a well built house and Is ideal for rooming: house or could be rebuilt Into double flat easily. This has five bed rooms, store room and bath upstairs and five rooms down. Furnace heat. Terms. 1934 WIIXOW STREET This Is a comfortabls home, 1 1-2 story, 8 rooms, 3 bed rooms and can ft 1 Dalv West Davis Daly East Butte Franklin Granby Isle Royal Lake Miami Michigan Mohawk Nevada Cons Nipissing North Butte Old Dominion Osceola Quincy Shannon Sup.

Boston Super. Copper Trinitv Utah Cons Winona Wolverine Wryandotte East Buffalo Livestock. East Buffalo, Nov. 26 Cattle, receipts market active and firm; prime steers, shipping steers. 13: butchers, $9.

50fi 12: vearlings. $11.50 p.13; heifers. $7011.25:" cows, $4ffil0; bulls, $6.75 ft 9.75 stockers and feeders, 86.50 ft-11; fresh cows and springers, active and strong; $50.00 140.00. Veals Receipts, 800; market firm; $7 lo. Hogs Receipts, market easier; heavy, mixed and yorkers, $17.6517.75: Ii-Kht yorkers, $17.25 17.50; pigs, $17ii 17.25; $16.25 16.50: stags.

$14ra'15. Sheep and lambs Receipts market active and steady; lambs, $12 17.75; others unchanged. Government To Extend Its Si pervision From Field To Bakery LIVE POULTRY Best spring 23 24c: lightweights and Leghorns I 21 22c; No. 1 hens, 23' 24c; small to ducks, 25 26c; geese. turkeys.

3132c per lb; dressed (poultry: No. 1 chickens. 2526c: small. 2223c; No. 1 hens, 25 ft 26cT small.

20a 22c; ducks. 2S330c; eeeses, 24 ill ir- 1 1 tIj Steel Train iupeil be bought on terms. OTTO R. CISKY 1115 Military St. Phone 423 Business Directory (By The Associated Press) Washington, Nov.

26 Stabiu of bread production by governff. supervision extending from the Held to the bakery with a cons'q'J'" 9 Greenville Potatoes. Greenville, Nov. 26. Potatoes, per hundred pounds.

"The Southland elimination of hoarding and tion mnIfo It for the aTB" Detroit Motors r.r the P1 Vl tlx Scnlc Kcntt oiMt.ioe jer iu. POTATOES Round white in jobbing lots, $2 IP? 2.25 per cwt. DRESSED CALVES Fancy, 17SlSc; choice, 1617c: common, 1015o per lb. Vegetables Carrots. $1 per bu: beets.

$1.25 per bu: turnips, $1 per bu: green onions, 20c per doz: hothouse cucumbers. $1.75 per doz; carlic, 14 SJ 15c per lb; radishes. 50c ner doz; green poppers, 75c per basket; par-Eley, 3Ec rer doz; ruta bagas, 85c per bu. Detroit Zi-vestc: Detroit. Nov, 26.

Cattle, market slow. Veals Market steady. Sheep ar.d lombs Market steady. Hogs Light, rirs, $1G. 75 17.00.

for the loaf of bread, the food a35 BUILDING CONTRACTOR. Estimate Furnished Job Mag Phones 4SS-S018-J. Quay St. w. j.

scon I II- rJBJ Louisville Nashville R. R. WOULD HOLD DM PRICE. OF SILVER istration announced today. 11 pointed out that last year, the farm-; return represented less than per cent of the selling price of Federal control of production had a decidedly stabilizing influx l.ponuoa hn industry Hi Jl American Light and Tractioi Auto Body Company Charcoal Tron, common Charcoal Iron, preferred Chevrolet Motors Continental Motors General Motors, common Ceneral Motors preferred Michigan Susar preferred Reo Motor Car Willys-Overland, common Unitd Motors Ford Motors of Canada i Packard Motor Company Paige-Detroit Motors 9 71 61 64 5g 921 75S 16b 194 lsj .167 .116 135 arrives Jackaonville 8:39 m-.

ext day. Carries through sleeper from Grand Rapids Mondays and Thursdays 6:15 p. m- over Ky. Aftrac- louii t'n BMntiKJ Gull Csui Rmwu, New PAINTING. DECORATING.

Dealer la Roofix, Prepared ttocftng and Flexatile Shingles. Phone 1101-J. ilea. 1401 Oak St. B.

R. HOWSE DLUMBDJO AND HEATTNO. 235a Gratiot Ave. Phone 999- Hi. Estimates.

JOHN WATSON the result, according to the fooa i perts, that a marked decrease i bread prices has been effected rec Detroit Provision Detroit, Nov. 26. Provisions market, unchanged. Detroit Errs. Detroit, Nov.

2S. Ee-gs, freh country run, storaee firsts, 32i-33c. ly in many cities. Means Is On Trial Jrlans, Mobil. rnuKoU, Cub.

ud Cntr.l Amu, Al (or illustrated TalJen. J4ep rMiratloB etc. IL E- PORTZR, Trr. TM At. Today For Murder 1025 Mtic Buildi4, D-troit, Mick.

3fflWa Detroit Grain Detroit, Nov. 26 Wheat, No. 1 white. $2.16: No. 2 red.

No. 2 mixed, $2.15 Corn No. 2 mixed, No. 3 yellow $2.31. Oats Standard, 75b; No.

3 white, 75. Rye No. 2. Beans Cash. $13 per cwt.

Clover Prime and March, $16 00. Alslke $14.20. t.oncoro, -n. kj xnov. of Gaston B.

Means charged i Washington, Nov. 26 A conference over the government plan to hold down the price of silver in the United States during next will be held at the treasury department, probably the last of this week between Secretary McAdoo and western silver producers. American and British officials waqt to prevent the competition of foreign purchasers from booeting silver to the point where Its coinage becomes un-profta'df. Cor-tracto have been proposed by which the governments would practically control the market for a year at a price somewhat lower than the prevailing- 86 cents an ounce rate, the government to use only part the metal and release the balance for ordinary purposes. The United States is expected to rse 20.000,000 ounces this year and Great Britain needs large quantities.

rr 4 New Vork Dalrv New York, Nov. 26. Butter firm; receipts 2,880 tubs, creanery, higher than extras 471 46c; creamery extras, 92 score, 47c; firsts i3ffM6ic. Egg3 steady, receipts 4.8S3 cases. Fresh gathered extras J73 5 8c; extras firsts 55 56c; firsts 52 54c.

Cheese steady; receipts 2565 boxes. State fresh specials 231c; do average run 23ic 21i0 36c; fowls 171 271c; turkeys S537c. STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the Countv of St. Clair In the matter of the estate of May WMtta-ker, deceased. Notice is hereby given that four months from the 9th day of November.

A. D. 1917. have been allowed for creditors to present their claims against said deceased to said court for examination and adjustment, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to eald court, at the probate office, in the City of Port Huron, in said county, on or before the 12th day of March. A.

D. 1918, and that said claims will be heard by said court on Tuesday, the 12th dav of March. A. D. 191S, at nine o'clock in the murder of Mrs.

Maud L- wealthy- widow shot to death here i August, began today in uoa- ty court. court. 1 MM An array of counsel " yc: pans and attnrnevs from New and Chicago identified with tn i- Cbicae-o identi'fied with the Toledo Cloveraeed. Toledo, Nov. 26.

Rve, $1.81. Corn $2.00. Oats 74. Cloverseed Prime cash. $16 in- Dec $16 15 Alsike Prime cash and Dec, Timothv Prime cash, not onoieri- lu.

wee Liu i rxV VlO PXiI" 1 were ready for the exan 5 tion or talesmen as me i of talesmen as the w.rV, Hrawinc 4iii-i- The nanel OI 1 ing a jury. The panel 01 forenoon. Iater November 9th, A Jlfl7. ItUC-Il 1 1. HART.

Judge of Pro-'t. A true. copy. GEO. L.

BROWN. daWr of Probate. 12-19-26-3 i v. i Ar he ew. Xfw "York Provisions New York.

Nov. 26. Flour firm; spring patents $10.55 a 10. So; winter patents $10.50 10.75; winter cember, $3.70. ed before the jury would be eeiel.

The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.