JE9ED9KH - Checkerboard RC · %7dk7ho !?;b: 7c %7dk7ho bk8(j= fc!;8hk7ho bk8(j= fc (7h9> bk8(j= fc fh?b bk8(j= fc (7o bk8(j= fc (7o !kd!bo - [PDF Document] (2024)

JE9ED9KH - Checkerboard RC· %7dk7ho !?;b: 7c %7dk7ho bk8(j= fc!;8hk7ho bk8(j= fc (7h9> bk8(j= fc fh?b bk8(j= fc (7o bk8(j= fc (7o !kd!bo - [PDF Document] (1)


Newsletter Editor: Steve Janninck July 201 8

July Birthdays:






Fun Fly "The Bomb Drop":

The JUNE Fun Fly the "The

Bomb Drop" was CD'd yet

another year by none other than

John Eggam. The challenge is

to remotely drop a bomb from

you airplane and get it as close

as possible to the iconic Flag

Pole. Scoring is as fol lows: 4

points if you are a master pilot

and hit the center. 3 points if you

are a really good pilot but have

slight accuracy problems. 2

points if you a good pilot and

just having a bad day. 1 point if

you drop a bomb anywhere on

the field and don't crash. 0

points if you watch your bomb

drop instead of watching your

airplane fly. The later seems to

happen every year! Pilots get 2

rounds at trying to hit the

bullseye. Highest score wins! A

third round is always a tie

breaker round.

The pilot meeting was called

at high noon and John was very

clear on the rules to keep things

fair and keep the pilots in the


Round 1 was going great

unti l the last two pilots crashed

out. John Nowikowski hit the

wrong switch on his TX which

caused engine fai lure not the

bomb to drop, the stal l and

crash happened fast.

The weather on the Saturday

event was picture perfect! 1 7

club members showed up at the

field, and 9 pilots signed up for

the challenge.

John closed the field shortly

before noon to construct the

Bomb Drop area. The battle

scarred US Flag was repaired

from last year's event and the

banners, poles, and paint came

out to prepare the target zone.

Thank You Dan Lake for the

great DJI Mavic aerial photos!

JE9ED9KH - Checkerboard RC· %7dk7ho !?;b: 7c %7dk7ho bk8(j= fc!;8hk7ho bk8(j= fc (7h9> bk8(j= fc fh?b bk8(j= fc (7o bk8(j= fc (7o !kd!bo - [PDF Document] (2)


John made the decision to

move to airplane #2 after

investigating the devastation.

Rob West fel l to the fate of

watching the bomb drop and

took his eyes off of his plane for

a split second. There was a pile

of foam found nearby. Rob

threw in the towel at this point.

With Round 1 being

complete the pits were fi l led

with discussion as to the best

way to win Round 2. Strategies

were battled around! The 7

surviving had to all play their

cards correctly, the Kanzia's

were going to be very hard

to concur.

Round 2 began strong, yet

two more pilots met with fate

and had to exit the contest.

Bryan Gardner cl ipped the

landing gear off of his bird on

landing after his Round 2 drop.

I t looked like the plane just

dropped out of the air on west

end of the field on approach.

Bryan said al l was very fixable

and wil l be back in the air soon.

Matt Goethe's Beaver took a

crazy nose dive for some

unknown reason and started a

small ESC smoke fest mid field.

Matt tried to revive the patient in

the pits but it was not

recoverable. Rest in peace.

John Nowikowski decided to

get his standby T-28 ready to go

by instal l ing the bomb drop

mechanism from his Tundra that

tumbled. John took to the air

and it seemed as if the gyro

stabil ization was severely

overcompensating causing

control led fl ight to be extremely

challenging. Unfortunately

John's plane bit the dust within

inches of his standing position

on the fl ight l ine. That was

close call ! John won but the

plane lost.

Here we see John

contemplating on the repair of

both of his contest entries. Hats

off to John for never giving up.

We ended up with a tie for

3rd place so a Bomb Drop Off

3rd Round took place between

Dan Lake and John Kanzia.

Dan put the Timber to the task.

JE9ED9KH - Checkerboard RC· %7dk7ho !?;b: 7c %7dk7ho bk8(j= fc!;8hk7ho bk8(j= fc (7h9> bk8(j= fc fh?b bk8(j= fc (7o bk8(j= fc (7o !kd!bo - [PDF Document] (3)


John Kanzia put the HK Tundra

in his barrel and shot Dan out! A

great effort by both pilots!

The Winners l ist is as fol lows:

1 st Place - Mark Kanzia with 8

Points. (2 Bullseyes!) Nice work

Mark! Hobby King Tundra.

2nd Place - Anthony Majdich

with 6 Points. Very focused

target attemps for sure! Nitro

Powered Blue Max.

3rd Place - John Kanzia with 4

Points and a Tie Breaker

winning 3 pointer! Way to go!

The Club greatly thanks John

Eggam for his efforts over al l

these years with CDing this

event. We all look forward to a

very fun flying day when this

event gets on the calendar.


Mark Kanzia's picture perfect

4 Point Bullseye with the

Hobbyking Tundra. Perfect

height, al ignment, and drop! We

all need to take lessons from


JE9ED9KH - Checkerboard RC· %7dk7ho !?;b: 7c %7dk7ho bk8(j= fc!;8hk7ho bk8(j= fc (7h9> bk8(j= fc fh?b bk8(j= fc (7o bk8(j= fc (7o !kd!bo - [PDF Document] (4)


The The Bomb Drop

Contestants and their Planes:

Howard Venable

Dan Lake

Anthony Majdich

Matt Goethe

Bryan Gardner

John Kanzia

Mark Kanzia

John Nowikowski

Rob West

Anthony's 2nd Place 3


John Kanzia's 3rd Place tie

breaker 3 Pointer!

JE9ED9KH - Checkerboard RC· %7dk7ho !?;b: 7c %7dk7ho bk8(j= fc!;8hk7ho bk8(j= fc (7h9> bk8(j= fc fh?b bk8(j= fc (7o bk8(j= fc (7o !kd!bo - [PDF Document] (5)


"NEW" 201 8 Calendar of Events

Checkerboard RC Club:January 1 Field 1 0:00amJanuary 1 8 Club Mtg. 7:00pmFebruary 1 5 Club Mtg. 7:00pmMarch 1 5 Club Mtg. 7:00pmApril 1 9 Club Mtg. 7:00pmMay 1 7 Club Mtg. 7:00pmMay 1 9 Fun FlyJune 21 Club Mtg. 7:00pmJune 23 Fun FlyJuly 1 9 Club Mtg. 7:00pmJuly 21 Fun FlyAugust 11 Model Aviation DayAugust 1 6 Club Mtg. 7:00pmAugust 1 8 Fun Fly:September 20 Club Mtg. 7:00pmSeptember 23 Picnic 1 2:00pmOctober 1 8 Club Mtg. 7:00pmNovember 1 5 Club Mtg. 7:00pmNovember 1 8 Chil i Fly 1 2:00pmDecember 21 Mtg @ Mothers

JJuunnee CClluubb MMeeeettiinngg -- SShhooww aanndd TTeell ll

Howard Venable gave us

a great breakdown on his

new Tower Hobbies Uproar

ARF V2 powered by an OS

46 SF. Howard's signature

red stripes really make the

airplane look sharp. Model

Airplane News wrote an

article back in Nov.1 7 about

the airplane, with great

reviews! We look forward to

seeing this one at the field for



Wingspan: 47.6 in

Wing Area: 630.8 in²

Wing Loading: 1 6-1 7 oz/ft²

RTF Weight: 4.6-4.7 lb

Length: 48.1 in

Requires: 4+ channel radio

with 4-5 channel receiver, 4-5

mini servos with 50 oz.-in.

(min.) torque,

2-stroke .46 engine – OR –

42-50-800kV brushless

motor, 80A ESC, 4S 1 4.8V

3300-4000mAh LiPo battery

and charger

David Holek showed us his

kit Built Sig King Kobra with a

crazy high RPM 2 Stroke on

the nose with tuned pipe

exhaust. One great feature that

the engine has is a servo

control led mixture adjustment.

No need to get those fingers

anywhere near the spinning

prop. Nice work David, it was

fantastic to hear about the

enjoyment of the build!


Wingspan 58 in

Wing Area 700 sq in

Weight 7.5 lb

Wing Loading 25 oz/sq ft

Radio Required 4-Channel

Engine: 2-Stroke .60 cu. in.

Howard's Uproar at the field

ready for fl ight.

Mark Kanzia brought in an

E-fl ight UMX YAK 54 and two

days later had it flying

backwards into the wind at the

field! I bet it fl ies nice in parking

lots too!

JE9ED9KH - Checkerboard RC· %7dk7ho !?;b: 7c %7dk7ho bk8(j= fc!;8hk7ho bk8(j= fc (7h9> bk8(j= fc fh?b bk8(j= fc (7o bk8(j= fc (7o !kd!bo - [PDF Document] (6)


AAMMAA DDiissttrrii cctt VVII LLooccaall EEvveennttss ffoorr AAUUGGUUSSTT 220011 88


8/1 9/201 8 -- Riverdale, IL (C) BIG BIRD FLY IN. Site: Kickapoo Woods. John Spencer CD PH: 708-

403-71 84 Email : pbs1 [emailprotected]. Visit: Sanction

#1 8/1 500. Location; 1 44th & Halsted, Riverdale IL. 9 am to 2 pm. $1 0 landing fee, cook

tent. Registration 9 am. Sponsor: CHICAGO MODEL

8/25/201 8 -- Blue Island, IL (C) OPERATION HONOR. Site: Memorial Park. Ronald Wegrzyn CD PH:

708-478-8858 Email : [emailprotected]. Sanction #1 8/1 797. Sponsor:


8/25/201 8 - 8/26/201 8 -- Champaign, IL (C) BARN STORMERS OVER CHAMPAIGN. Site: 361 6

Bloomington Rd. Daniel Kemphues CD PH: 21 7.359.9829 Email : [emailprotected].

Visit: ccrcc. info. Sanction #1 8/51 0. Location; 2.5 Miles West of Mattis Ave on US 1 50.


8/25/201 8 -- Morrison, IL (C) FLY N SWAP. Site: Rockwood State Park. James Lench CD PH: 81 5-

622-3630 Email : [emailprotected]. Visit: Sanction #1 8/1 438. Need some

cash for the winters project? Come join us for our 5th Annual fly in and Swap meet.

Open flying and sell ing al l day. Food available on site. Registration at 9am, $1 0

landing/sel l ing fee. Rain date 8/26. Sponsor: MORRISON MODEL AIRCRAFT

8/25/201 8 -- Roscoe, IL (C) FLOAT FUN FLY & ELECTRIC BOATS FUN FLOAT. Site: Chickery Ridge

Lake. Orv Steinmetz CD PH: 81 5-708-8042 Email : skyhawker6@gmail .com. Visit: Sanction #1 8/593. We have access to a beautiful lake with

gentle sloping banks. Bring your canopy and chair. Beverages for sale. Quick food

places nearby or brown bag it. Landing fee $5. AMA required. Sponsor: ROCK VALLEY


8/25/201 8 - 8/26/201 8 -- Sugar Grove, IL (AA) WINDY CITY SPEED BASH. Site: Aurora Municipal

Airport. Wil l iam Hughes CD PH: 630/736-6036 Email : wil l [emailprotected].

Sanction #1 8/11 80. Sponsor: TREE TOWN MODELAIRES


8/1 8/201 8 -- New Haven, IN (C) 36TH ANNUAL MONSTER MASH. Site: Club Field. A Booth CD PH:

260-31 2-31 85 Email : rcflyer39@hotmail .com. Visit: Sanction

#1 8/1 082. 36th Annual Monster Mash Fun Fly for aircraft wingspan of 60" and above.

All types of aircraft and jets. Asphalt and grass runways are available with new concrete

runout. Entry fee is $1 0 which includes lunch. Also included is tai lgate swap Sponsor:


8/1 8/201 8 -- Wheeler, IN (C) FLYING FLEA MARKET. Site: Rainford Field. Stanley Zolodz CD PH:

21 9.776.1 652 Email : sjzolodz@hotmail .com. Sanction #1 8/656. Tailgate flea market

starts at 9am. Cost $5 per person. Open flying starts at 1 0AM. Food on site. Come fly

and sell with us! Rain date, if needed, August 1 9. Sponsor: MIDWEST SUNDOWNER


JE9ED9KH - Checkerboard RC· %7dk7ho !?;b: 7c %7dk7ho bk8(j= fc!;8hk7ho bk8(j= fc (7h9> bk8(j= fc fh?b bk8(j= fc (7o bk8(j= fc (7o !kd!bo - [PDF Document] (7)


AAMMAA DDiissttrrii cctt VVII LLooccaall EEvveennttss ffoorr AAUUGGUUSSTT 220011 88


8/22/201 8 - 8/26/201 8 -- Winamac, IN (C) OUTTA SITE AEROTOW. Site: Ralph Braun Field. Timothy

Redelman CD PH: 21 9-688-3984 Email : redelman1 7@gmail .com. Visit: Sanction #1 8/1 307. Come help us celebrate the l ife of

Miroslaw Zakowany, He was the driving force in the Winamac Outta site Aerotow! I ts

gonna be tough without him this year. We have an excellent 1 8 acre facil ity surrounded

by corn and soybeans and booming

8/24/201 8 - 8/26/201 8 -- Muncie, IN (AAA) RJK'S FREE FLIGHT FOLLIES. Site: 51 61 E Memorial Dr.

Rudy Kluiber CD PH: 21 6-226-6838 Email : [emailprotected]. Sanction #1 8/1 207.

Events; 1 01 -1 04, 1 09, 1 1 0, 1 20, 1 28, 1 60, 1 61 , 1 65 CAT I I I (JSO), 1 08, 1 24, 1 40, 1 42

CAT I I I (JR,SO). Plus; 1 /4A Nos, 1 /2A Nos, A Nos, B Nos, C Nos, 0200OT, E-20, OT

Rbr cabin, Nos rubber, OT A Pylon, OT A Cabin, OT B/C Pylon. Sponsor: NORTHERN


8/25/201 8 -- Morristown, IN (C) TOYS FOR TOTS FLY IN. Site: Blue River Air Park. Stephen Woods

CD PH: 31 7-460-9985 Email : [emailprotected]. Visit:

Sanction #1 8/893. Location; 1 Mile West of Morristown. 1 0am-6pm, Landing fee $1 0 or

1 toy. All toys and proceeds received wil l be given to the Marine Corp League of

Morristown for distribution. Sponsor donated pilots raffle, pi lots receive 5 tickets.


8/25/201 8 - 8/26/201 8 -- Muncie, IN (AA) 5TH ANNUAL BRODERSON FAI CHALLENGE. Site: 51 61

E Memorial Dr. Greg Simon CD PH: 248-363-8205 Email : [emailprotected].

Sanction #1 8/1 357. Sponsor: DETROIT BALSA BUGS

8/25/201 8 -- Uniondale, IN (C) ANNUAL SWAP MEET & FUN FLY. Site: 1 340 W 800 N PSP Field.

Andrew Fracica CD PH: 260.755-5257 Email : [emailprotected]. Visit: Sanction #1 8/899. We have over 800' of space for

tables and canopies. Event starts 9am, set up is at 7:30am. All are welcome! Flying

begins at 9:30am and goes all day. Lunch and beverages available starting at 11 am.

Door prizes and 50/50 ticket are available. Sponsor: HUNTINGTON COUNTY


8/30/201 8 - 9/2/201 8 -- Muncie, IN (C) INDIANAWARBIRD CAMPAIGN. Site: 51 61 E Memorial Dr.

Dennis Crooks CD PH: 765-739-6842 Email : [emailprotected]. Visit: Sanction #1 8/244. Giant Scale Warbird & Classics event

that drawing pilots of across the country. Open Flying, Noon-time airshow, event

merchandise, raffles, food.

AAMMAA DDiissttrrii cctt VVII II LLooccaall EEvveennttss ffoorr AAuugguusstt 220011 88


8/1 6/201 8 - 8/1 8/201 8 -- Fond U Lac, WI (C) WARBIRDS & CLASSICS OVER THE MIDWEST. Site:

Club Field. Paul Hohensee CD PH: 262.707-7635 Email : [emailprotected].

Visit: Sanction #1 8/681 . Southwest of Fond du Lac, WI. For giant

scale Warbirds, giant scale pre 1 960 Aircraft and giant scale mil itary turbine aircraft .

JE9ED9KH - Checkerboard RC· %7dk7ho !?;b: 7c %7dk7ho bk8(j= fc!;8hk7ho bk8(j= fc (7h9> bk8(j= fc fh?b bk8(j= fc (7o bk8(j= fc (7o !kd!bo - [PDF Document] (8)

Board Members:

President: Anthony Majdich [emailprotected]

Vice-President: Steve Janninck [emailprotected]

Treasurer: Steve Janninck [emailprotected]

Director: Dave Kucan [emailprotected]

Safety: Kim Kraft [emailprotected]

Mail ing Address:


P.O. BOX 391

Forest Park, IL 601 30

Meeting Location: Flying Field Location:


7640 JACKSON BLVD. 21 75 S 1 ST AVE


*Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of *Access at “1 st Ave cut off

the month at 7:00pm Road” South side of Mil ler


Visit & Contact us at:

Official Club Website:

Photo Page


General Email:


Newsletter Email:



AAMMAA DDiissttrrii cctt VVII II LLooccaall EEvveennttss ffoorr AAuugguusstt 220011 88


Non-compliant aircraft may fly only after sanction times. Food and soft drinks served.


8/1 9/201 8 -- Fond Du Lac, WI (C) FOND DU LAC FUN FLY. Site: Wellnitz Field. Douglas Yaroch CD

PH: 920.484.6022 Email : adaero540@gmail .com. Visit: Sanction #1 8/811 .

This is an open fun fly to al l size models. Come fly and enjoy the pristine 1 320' grass

runway. Food and refreshments available. Primitive camping on grounds. AMA

membership required. Sponsor: FOND DU LAC AEROMODELERS ASSOCIATION

8/24/201 8 - 8/26/201 8 -- Durand, WI (C) WARBIRD ASSEMBLY & VINTAGE AIRCRAFT 201 8. Site:

Buck Knob Field. Michael Zaborowski CD PH: 71 5-450-9889 Email :

[emailprotected]. Sanction #1 8/1 024. $20 Landing fee, on site camping, room

for trai lers, 3000' grass runway, float pond on site, overnight storage. Sponsor:


8/25/201 8 - 8/26/201 8 -- Hilbert, WI (C) END OF SUMMER RC AIRCRAFT FUN FLY. Site: Club Field.

Eric Schultz CD PH: Email : ekaschultz@gmail .com. Visit: Sanction

#1 8/91 2. Location; W2324 Ott Rd. Public welcome, free admission. Food and drink

available. Open flying 9am-3pm. $5 Pilot fee, AMA membership required. Flying 8/25,

rain date 8/26. Sponsor: CALUMET FLYERS INC

8/25/201 8 -- Menomonee Falls, WI (C) CHARITY FLY IN. Site: Club Field. Christopher Milbauer CD

PH: 41 4-750-2740 Email : [emailprotected]. Visit: Sanction

#1 8/1 568. Open flying for al l AMA members. All RC aircraft welcome. Flying 9am-2pm.

$5 Pilot fee. Spectators welcome. $5/car. Refreshments available. Raffle for pilots and

spectators. Rain date 8/26. Sponsor: FLYING ELECTRONS INC

JE9ED9KH - Checkerboard RC · %7dk7ho !?;b: 7c %7dk7ho bk8(j= fc!;8hk7ho bk8(j= fc (7h9> bk8(j= fc fh?b bk8(j= fc (7o bk8(j= fc (7o !kd!bo - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.